Meet Your New Club Management Team

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4.7 / 5 – from 24 reviews

from our gym owners


4.8 / 5 – from 1,268 reviews

from our gym members

Meet Your New Club Management Team

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4.7 / 5 – from 24 reviews


4.8 / 5 – from 1,268 reviews

Preferred and Trusted By

With Ashbourne’s help, you’ll see true change in the day-to-day running of your business. We can drastically cut admin time for your team, streamline your customer’s sign up and improve your club’s quality of life. We bring improvements to every aspect of your business and we have 25 years of success stories to back it up.

* Based on a survey of 304 Ashbourne managed clubs.

Horizontal photo of attractive woman jogging on treadmill at health club.

Your club all on one platform

Ashbourne’s club management software is all developed in-house. There’s no cobbling together of different third party platforms. It’s simply everything you need, in one place so you get complete oversight over your fitness business wherever you are.

Complete Gym Management

Direct debits, payment collection and a tailored club dashboard, our in-house built software gives your club a complete ecosystem where every element of your gym management work in harmony together.

Member Experience

Save your members time. With our completely integrated club management ecosystem, your members can instantly engage with your club from anywhere. From booking classes to watching your online workouts; your club can finally become the heart of their fitness life.

Ashbourne BI Dashboard on Mobile

Marketing Strategies

We provide support for your digital marketing, helping you increase your reach to your members and start growing your gym memberships.

Health Club Sales Support

From signing up members, to expanding your secondary spend – we can provide your club with the software and automations that allow you to get more value from every single prospect and lead.

Member Sales & Retention

Our CRM allows you to keep track of every prospect who pays an interest in your club. By nurturing your relationship with your future members, you can convert them into members and deliver a personalised service that keeps them with you for years to come.

Connect with other clubs

We work with thousands of clubs, gyms and fitness studios around the world, so we have a unique perspective into what gym owners are doing to grow their businesses.

And now you can have all those resources for free, as well as access to the Gym Owner’s Forum; our community of gym owners who have come together to support other business owners in the fitness industry.

Read our shorter business guides and industry news.

In-depth business guides to grow your club.

Connect with other gym owners and get the help you need.

What Our Clients says About Us

Get your club in shape.

Want to discover how? Let us show you.

Simply select your preferred timeslot and we’ll be in touch to have a chat about your health club,
the goals you want to achieve, and how our system can help you.

Get your club in shape.

Want to discover how? Let us show you.

Simply select your preferred timeslot and we’ll be in touch to have a chat about your health club, the goals you want to achieve, and how our system can help you.

Get your club in shape.

Want to discover how? Let us show you.

Simply select your preferred timeslot and we’ll be in touch to have a chat about your health club, the goals you want to achieve, and how our system can help you.

Let Us Help Drive Your Business Forward...

Book your free demo slot and let us show you how
we can help take your gym to the next level.