Scroll down to find out the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions we receive here at Ashbourne from club owners, just like you…


Scroll down to find out the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions we receive here at Ashbourne from club owners, just like you…

Yes, our contracts are totally flexible. You can use our contract forms for anything from a 1 month rolling membership up to a 12 month contract.

The contract will automatically roll on month by month until it is cancelled by the member.

Yes, our ejoin+ page can be personalised to match you club’s website and from their new members can sign up 24/7 using any device. The member and your club receive a confirmation email and the member’s details are automatically added to your club’s software system. The ejoin+ page can make your club’s sign-up process totally paperless and the online form has bank and postcode verification built in.

Why not mount an iPad on a secure stand in your reception area, allowing visitors to join online while at your club?

Once we have collected the monthly dues from your members we will transfer the funds directly into your account twice per month. We will provide you with details of the two dates per month.

Ashbourne will manage all of the admin relating to this – we will act as your club’s debt recovery department. Our experienced staff will contact the member to resolve any arrears problems. Members can bring their account up to date over the phone or by using the secure and discrete Ashbourne Payments site. This service is included at no extra cost to you and will allow you to maintain a positive relationship with your members.

Yes, we are able to collect SEPA Direct Debits and credit card payments in the Eurozone. Our system allows Irish members to sign up to the direct debit using either their account number and sort code or their BIC and IBAN number. The addition of the credit card payment option gives members complete flexibility in their payment options.

All of our software system is fully functioning in Ireland, with a large number of clubs already using it.

Yes, our software is directly linked to a member’s payment status. This means that if a member misses a payment it will be flagged up immediately on the Access+ entry control software as they swipe into to enter your club.

We can provide new clubs with a choice of membership entry systems:

  • Swipe cards: We can provide a swipecard reader and an initial batch of personalised membership swipecards, with further supplies available on demand.
  • Biometric fingerprint reader:  The accuracy and reliability of fingerprint readers is now excellent. We provide you with a system that includes two readers: one to set up each member’s fingerprint recognition and a second one for use by members to enter your club. Of course, the great benefit of fingerprint readers is that your members do not need to carry anything extra with them to enter your club.
  • RFID tags or wristbands: This is a more costly option, but allows you to provide key fobs or wristbands that can just be waved at a reader to verify entry. Ask us for more details.

Yes, our dashboard+ module gives you all the key membership information you need about your club at a glance. Alternatively you can drill down into the data very easily for more in-depth information.

Yes, all members can be added to our software and be issued with a membership card etc.

Absolutely – using our connect+ system, you can send targeted emails and texts to any of your members. Emails are completely free and there is a small charge per text message.

Yes, we want you to get the most out of the system, so we will provide training free of charge. A comprehensive step-by-step pdf guide is also provided. We also provide free telephone/email support should you have a problem.


We simply charge a fixed fee per direct debit and a small monthly charge for our complete suite of club software. Our price per direct debit is based on the number of members you have with us. Contact us for a price.

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Get your club in shape.

Want to discover how? Let us show you.

Simply select your preferred timeslot and we’ll be in touch to have a chat about your health club, the goals you want to achieve, and how our system can help you.

Get your club in shape.

Want to discover how? Let us show you.

Simply select your preferred timeslot and we’ll be in touch to have a chat about your health club, the goals you want to achieve, and how our system can help you.

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