With the continued closure of gyms and health clubs in the UK and Ireland, we want you to be sure how you can communicate effectively with your members to make sure you keep as many direct debits open and ensure payments are frozen rather than cancelled.

Unlike other club managers, we’ve been very proactive in making sure that regardless of the situation, you don’t lose a member outright, so we want you to be on top of communicating with your members about any potential gym closures, with us playing a supportive role.

How you keep on top of this is simple…

You can send emails from your CRM of choice, or if you’re an Ashbourne customer you can use your BI dashboard. If you click here you can find a full tutorial on how to send emails to your members using the BI dashboard.


Keep Your Members Paying With A Single Email

We know that every facility is different and as such we have created a few different options you can present to your members to either keep them paying their membership or keep them on hold.

We have provided this option to thousands of gyms and it is an amazingly effective way of clearly communicating with your members, being upfront and preventing hasty cancellations.


Here is our email template to send your members, complete with the 3 payment options


Hello (Gym Member),

As you are aware, our gym has been closed due to the COVID-19 shutdown. As a valued member, we want to make handling your membership as easy as possible, which is why we are sending you 3 simple options for what you want us to do with your membership while our facility is closed.


Please select one of the options below and respond to this email and we will action your choice straight away.


Option 1

You want us to continue your direct debit payments. This requires no action on your part. We’ll continue to take your regular payments and  provide online support and any other support that you need from us during this period.

Option 2

You want to freeze your account for the duration of the shutdown. We will stop taking your monthly payments and will restart them once shutdown ends. We’ll also give you a free month for the time that you’ve already paid for.

Option 3

You want to pay 50% for the duration of the shutdown. This will make sure your membership remains open and continues to help support the club during lockdown, even if you can’t afford to pay your entire membership.


Please respond to this email as early as you can so we can make sure your membership is handled to your preferences ASAP.

Kind regards,

(Gym Name)


Make Communicating With Your Members Easy With Ashbourne

We’ve been working closely with gyms all across the UK and Ireland to manage their members and help keep their businesses thriving during lockdown.

Unlike many club managers, we’ve stayed open and active, allowing our clubs to keep taking members payments and keep money coming through the door, even while their businesses have been closed.

If you want to keep your business thriving during lockdown and beyond, then don’t hesitate to get in touch for a full consultation and let’s discuss how we can keep your health club’s future bright.

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