Do you know how much it costs to develop a fitness app from scratch?

The cost of a fitness app ranges from between £3,500 – £8,000, which is highly dependant on the features you want in the app, and that’s just a low range estimate.

Now of course, that’s a high price and as an independant gym, you might not only think it’s too high of an investment, but you also might question if it’s needed at all. After all, your members have never pushed for a fitness app before, so why should they need one now.

They’re all valid concerns, but if you stick with us, we can explain why a gym member fitness app is not only good for your members, but it’s also great for member retention… and it’s much cheaper than you think to get one!


Why A Member Fitness App Is Good For Your Gym

There are 3 key reasons why getting a member app is beneficial for your gym and it’s almost worth having a member fitness app for these reasons alone:

  1. A member app will free up your admin
  2. A member app makes sending instant gym facility updates easy
  3. It’s a fantastic way to up sell your extra products & services

In short, a members app helps you save time and make money.

Woman Slicing FruitHow it saves you time is simple. A members app is more than just a way for your members to track their own fitness. If you allow for classes to be booked, then what better way to improve that, than to allow your members to book classes online, through your own app.

By doing this all online and via the app, it centralises all of your bookings and allows you to greatly decrease any admin. Now your app can handle everything from accepting the booking, to even informing members if there’s no spaces left in a class.

A members app is also an amazing way for sending any updates and news to your members. If you have new classes coming to your gym or you’re closed for some emergency maintenance, then a members app allows you to broadcast that information directly to your members’ mobiles, complete with a notification to grab their attention.

And finally, your members app can also be an extra source of income. If you’re selling classes or even merchandise as an added extra, then now your members app can be used as a digital storefront, giving you a new way to alert your members to extra services and take payments simply and quickly, all from one place.

With a members app, there’s less mess, less admin and the chance for extra revenue to be made.

And the benefits aren’t limited to just your club running smoother…


A Member Fitness App Improves Gym Member Retention

Okay, so we’ve looked at how your member app is great for your gym, but now let’s focus on a far more important element: How can it keep your members coming back to your gym for longer.

And the answer is simple!


Your Members Will Feel More Engaged And Loyal

Weight Lifting ManThe power of customer loyalty cannot be understated in any business and gyms are no different.

When you get a customer personally invested in the future of your company, not only can you be certain you’re delivering a great service, but it does wonders for your member retention. If a customer feels negative about even the thought of cancelling their membership, then that is a great place to be as a fitness business.

An app for your members works to foster that kind of loyal environment.

As a gym with a member app, you stop simply being just a place that your members visit when they have time.

You become a constant part of their life. They will use your app to track their fitness, their improvements, check for news from you and plan their week by booking online classes ahead of time.

If you have a functional member app, you can take your members from being individuals to being a community, with your health club at the heart and centre of it all.


A Members App Makes Your Health Club Unique

unique red gummy bear

Apps have been around for well over a decade by this point. However, like all new technology it takes a while for many businesses to catch up on popular trends.

Even though fitness apps are extremely popular and used by tens of millions of people every single day, hardly any gyms or clubs utilise them as part of their service.

That’s why having a member fitness app can be so impressive, by the sheer fact that everyone is struggling to keep up. If you get a member app, you are ahead of 99% of other gyms instantly, which helps you stand out from the crowd, which is never a bad thing.


A Member Fitness App Is A Better Value Proposition

This one may sound obvious. After all, the more you give your members, the more valuable your gym is.

But you have to remember how important that extra value is. There are a lot of gyms out there, possibly a half dozen within the same area unless you’re in a very remote location. So it’s important that you offer your members the most you can for their money. Gyms are still a luxury purchase and many members look for the best deal.

So if you’re unable to fight on price in the local area, then increase the value of your gym in anyway you can to keep members getting the most they can for their money.

A member fitness app is a cheap and easy way to achieve this goal.


Offering Your Members An App Is Now Easy & Most Importantly, Cost Effective!

Phone app WebsiteAt the start of this post, we mentioned the cost of offering a fitness app. Hopefully throughout this, we’ve convinced you, that a fitness app for your members is such a good investment, that you’re ready to google a developer to work on it, whatever the cost.

Well, here’s the next bit of good news.

Your members fitness app has already been developed, so you don’t need to pay any of that money to develop it.

At Ashbourne, we’ve already put in the time and money to develop an incredible members app that is able to be rebranded for your particular gym and give you all the benefits of a custom membership app, without any of the expensive development or design.

Our fully integrated gym app offers a number of features that allows each member to get the most from their workout, and most importantly, retain their membership to your gym.

So if you’re looking to future proof your business and get ahead of the competition, while retaining more members and improving your services, then please get in contact with Ashbourne today and let us introduce you to our amazing member app+ service, as well as our entire platform of membership management tools.

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