What Is The Best Access Control For Gyms?

What Is The Best Access Control For Gyms?

While the once seemingly unstoppable march of the 24/7 business model within the fitness industry has slowed down considerably, the debate regarding access controls for independent gyms and fitness clubs has never been more dynamic.

With the Covid-19 pandemic and the still ongoing energy cost crisis, the common orthodox that access control automation had made 24-hour Gyms and Fitness Clubs a no-brainer has been challenged. As such, the debate of the last half decade has shifted again, to the most effective and reliable access control solution for each individual gym.

No longer is it enough to just say that a full body turnstile for 24/7 access control is necessary. We operate in a more nuanced market now. So we thought that now was the time to put our 25 years of experience here at Ashbourne to the test. We will be drawing on our knowledge prior to and during the 24/7 revolution to see what life in the ‘aftermath’ looks like for independent gyms and fitness clubs.

We have dealt with independent gyms and fitness clubs of all sizes, shapes and specifications over the years. Each one of our partners and clients have allowed us to learn and adapt in an industry where versatility is truly rewarded.

As the technology involved in access control continues to advance, we thought it was about time to harness our experience and authority and condense it into an article to help new and veteran independent gym owners adapt to this post-Covid, post-energy crisis landscape. 

So without further ado we will be taking a look at the different access systems, comparing their pros and cons with specific focus on the current industry situation. 

What Should An Independent Gym Or Fitness Club Owner Be Looking For In An Access Control System?

But before we get to comparing and contrasting different access systems, we should look into what we WANT from our control access systems, as well as some specific terminology that will be used over the course of the article.

 When we say access control, we are talking about a combination of two factors:

  1. What is physically stopping a person from accessing your Gym floor until they have verified themselves as a member.
  2. The verification process itself. 

Now while the term process might only evoke new, popular solutions such as fingerprint scanners and passcodes. This process can also be as rudimentary as someone on a desk buzzing/unlocking a barrier for the gym member.

While it might seem obvious, it is important to state that this process can vary wildly from gym to gym. And with 25 years working with independent gyms and fitness clubs we have seen a lot of ‘solutions’.

And so what are we looking for from each of these factors?

Our first factor, is the physical barrier. We want it to be a secure, hard-wearing solution. Hard to break, easy to repair and easy to traverse once the verification process (Step 2) has been completed by the gym member.

A gym entry system has to be a bespoke combination of efficient, secure, easy to use and, if possible, aesthetically satisfying to the customer. 

 To our second factor, we are looking for a system that is easy to understand, hard to circumvent and reduces the ability for members to share their access information. It should also take minimal time, respecting the time of the member and the staff. 

As such, it becomes apparent that a good access control system isn’t just ‘buying the most expensive turnstiles’. It is a decision that has to take into account a Gym’s members, staff, facility and physical constraints.

The access control system that a gym decides to put in place should enhance the experience of the members. If it is a system that members struggle with or find frustrating or difficult to use, this will stick in their mind and be part of what they recall when thinking about the gym. Ideally it should be an extension of the brand, effortless, convenient, efficient. 

 Because at the core of it an access system isn’t just a FIRST impression that a member gets of an independent gym or fitness club, it is a repeated impression.

If something is tedious and we only have to do it once, we can quickly forget about it. If something is tedious and we have to do it five times a week. We will remember it for a long, long time.

As such, it is vital that gyms and fitness clubs do not make the actual access procedure a case of ‘death by a thousand cuts’.

Even if the process is going to be rudimentary, it must still be judged on how unobtrusive and time-efficient it is. If the devil is in the detail, this is a detail that gyms will want to nail in order to bolster retention. 

 So as we’ve worked out that Access control systems for gyms are a puzzle of two halves. We will look at each of these halves in turn. First we will start off with the common and popular access procedures and mechanisms that are used the world over. 

After that we will focus on the different types of physical barriers, not just for their role in keeping non-members out, but also measuring the ease of which it allows members into the gym. In addition we will look into different incidents and considerations we have come across in our time, such as their behaviour during power cuts and the level of inconvenience it will cause if they break or are damaged. 

 As we go through these sections, we will keep in mind why we in the fitness industry employ access control systems for gyms and fitness clubs. That it is not merely a matter of who goes in and out. It is also designed to monitor your members, gain data and use it to enhance their experience within a gym or fitness club.

This can be vital and independent gyms that don’t utilise systems that can capture sufficient data risk losing out on valuable feedback. 

 When utilised in tandem with the right club management software, access control can be used to transform the way an independent gym or fitness club gains information about their BAU (business as usual) operations. 

 With all that out of the way, it is time to look into the best access control systems for independent gyms and fitness clubs, starting with the verification process. 

Section 1: Membership Verification Systems

First, we will be looking at the verification process. This is the system that gym members will be using to gain access to the gym. It goes without saying that the digital and resultant automation revolution have transformed how gyms are accessed in the last two decades. As such, while we did reference the idea of a staff member manually checking and buzzing people through a gym’s security measures, we are not going to include it on the list. 

That is because this system, simply put, is not ideal. Not only is it expensive in terms of staffing costs and manpower, it is also the worst method when it comes to data capture. We appreciate that independent gyms and fitness clubs that are starting out or have incredibly specific opening times might find this solution appealing, but we believe that it is a short-term solution for a long-term problem. 

 There is an argument to be made about cost, but even then we believe that in the long term, the automated, higher-tech solutions that we are about to recommend will ultimately result not only in a saving but also in a greater scope for development moving forward.

Magnetic Swipe Cards, RFID Cards And Keyfobs

Starting in the physical (albeit still digital) realm, our overview will begin with a collection of access control methods employed by gyms and fitness clubs.

 The reason these three methods, Magnetic Swipe Cards, RFID Cards and Keyfobs, have been grouped together is because they share something in common.

Each one relies on a physical object that will interface digitally with the gym or fitness club’s security system. From there, this physical object’s digital signature will confirm that the member is entitled to enter the facility and open the access control system for them. 

  • RFID, or Radio Frequency Identification cards, have become a staple of not only gyms but office access control. A small, credit card sized card that is pressed against a scanner for a few seconds. We will go over the main drawback with these cards at the end of this section, but compared to their magnetic counterparts they are largely considered reliable and hard-wearing due to their functionality being internal.  
  • Magnetic Swipe Cards are very similar in concept but rather than being pressed against a pad they are ran through a card reader. This is essentially a different method of interfacing. While popular, we have seen their popularity diminish somewhat due to a tendency to ‘de-sync’. Given these cards are often stored in magnetised wallets or phone cases, this has led to two different issues.

    One is that the magnetic stripe becomes scratched away due to repeated use.

    The latter is that the magnetic stripe becomes compromised by the magnetic wallets and phones that they are now commonly stored in. 


  • And finally we have the ‘key fob’. Used by everyone from office blocks to apartment blocks, these little balls of hardened ABS plastic essentially opt to store the aforementioned digital signature in something a little more unorthodox than a card. Normally worn on a keyring, they are exceptionally hard-wearing. Given that the scope for customisation is greater than a card, they have become quite popular amongst independent gyms as a method of free advertising. Of the three ‘physical-digital’ hybrid methods, they have the greatest aesthetic potential. 

 The main appeal of these methods is their simplicity. Their function is easily understood, even if an independent gym or fitness club isn’t appealing to the most tech-savvy crowd. Short of the aforementioned de-magnetisation, the scope for them to fail in their functionality is very limited. They are easily portable and often kept in items such as wallets and keyrings that are hard to forget.

In terms of our digital feedback check, they pass with flying colours. Each will be specific to the gym member in question, and with a suitably sophisticated club management system and software, it will give all the necessary feedback and data straight to a BI dashboard. 

 Furthermore, a branded membership card or stylised key fob can easily be made to reinforce brand identity. If the entry solution to an independent gym or fitness club is simultaneously aesthetically appealing and effortlessly easy, the membership will rightly build a positive connection with the brand. A positive reinforcement loop will start to occur where they associate the keyfob or card with the efficiency that the gym offers on the door. 

 With all that being said, there is one key (excuse the pun) issue with these fobs and membership cards.

 As physical items, they are susceptible to being lost and/or stolen. Both situations are unfortunate, requiring the card to be cancelled, lest the security of the gym or fitness club be compromised. 

It is also a method that is very prone to ‘access-sharing’, where people attempt to give out their keyfob or access card to their friends. While staff can be briefed on this, it is ultimately very hard to enforce as it requires the checking of cards. This can feel like a violation of trust to members who are just quietly going about their day.

Once cancelled, the keyfob or card must be reissued. This means keeping a physical supply that has to be given out. In turn, the decision then becomes ‘should members be charged for losing their card, and if so, how much?’. While these are not insurmountable questions, they can cause a degree of hassle for both gym members and gym staff. We would recommend that if an independent gym is considering adopting a key fob or RFID/Magnetic card system, that the management reflect on how these situations will be dealt with, as well as ascertain the cost of maintaining a supply of the cards/fobs. 

Barcode and QR Code Scanners

The barcode and its pseudo-successor, the QR code, are ubiquitous in modern society, especially in the wake of the Covid-19 lockdowns. Though these are nominally two very different technologies from two different time periods, we have lumped them together for simplicity given that their distribution and functionality are largely interchangeable.

With the number of QR codes generated now running into the hundreds of billions, it is safe to say a few industries have found a way to utilise them! These codes are usually either generated on or sent to a phone application. In specific, more low-tech instances they can also be sent via e-mail. 

 Both barcodes and QR codes are used the world over, and the fitness industry is no exception. Many independent gyms have latched onto these scanners as a cheap, purely digital alternative to cards and keyfobs. 

 By removing the reliance on human input, these codes are able to effortlessly transfer a passcode to the access control system, satisfying the criteria for entrance while requiring a digital footprint for our aforementioned data efforts. 

 Without the need to physically buy, monitor and replace an item such as a card or a keyfob, this system is cost-light and ultra-efficient. It can even be counted towards reducing a carbon footprint, with the diminished use of physical materials!


Ultimately the QR codes and barcodes, while simplistic, are ultimately effective. With the appropriate digital infrastructure behind it, these codes achieve an efficient, easy-to-maintain digital access solution for any independent gym or fitness club.

 With that being said, they are not infallible. There is always the risk of members forgetting their means of access, their phones running out of battery, breaking or otherwise being corrupted. In addition, they are not the most intuitive for the technologically illiterate and may require some explanation that could put off older or more luddite-leaning gym members.

Furthermore, this method is very prone to ‘access sharing’, something that plagues many independent gyms and fitness clubs. 

Biometric Scanners

So while the biometric scanner fulfills the same essential function as our other two categories of access control for independent gyms, it does so in a much more futuristic way. By relying on something a gym member (hopefully!) always has on them, their finger. 

 While the initial effort to collect biometric data and the machinery necessary to use it makes this the most cost-intensive method, the technology has become a lot more accessible and widespread. This can be most evidently seen in life through the rising prevalence on mobile phones. Once seen as a luxury feature, now even budget models come with fingerprint scanners. 

 While the setup can be more laborious, the payoffs are undeniable. Independent gyms and fitness clubs that invest in biometric scans will adopt an access control system that is easy to use, impossible to forget and unnecessary to replace. 

 If that isn’t enough of a benefit, this solution also provides the most effortless and satisfying experience providing that the biometric scanners are correctly maintained. Few other solutions feel as futuristic or secure. If an independent gym or fitness club is trying to reinforce the values of its brand via its access control system, we could not recommend a better solution. 

 Furthermore, it is a system that is basically unable to facilitate the access sharing that has plagued the previous two options that we have investigated. 

Section 2: Physical Club Entry Mechanisms and Systems

Now that we have gone through all of the verification methods that we would recommend to one extent or another that can be utilised by an independent gym or fitness club, it is time to look at the other side of the coin. 

Namely, what is the physical mechanism stopping non-members from getting in and whether your members are trying to by-pass with a gym’s access control verification system of choice. 

 We will be looking into quite a few options here, ranging from the expensive and all-conquering, to the simple and functional.

 Keeping in mind what we explored at the beginning of this article, that in this post-covid, post-energy crisis bigger is not always better when it comes to the independent gym on a budget.

 But without further ado, let us explore the second half of the puzzle that is access control. 

Speed Lanes

Starting with one of the more recent access control mechanisms that have been springing up across the fitness industry, we have the Speed Lane system. Designed more for efficiency than security, the speedlane is a light-weight option emphasising aesthetic and ease of use over cast-iron might. Speed is the name of the game…And the lane. 


Designed specifically to feel like a premium experience, speed lanes take inspiration from existing airport security mechanisms. In an age of near-instance everything, the speed lane is supposed to make the gym member feel like the process was near effortless. A small, quickly withdrawn plastic or metal gate will present a small obstacle before the card is presented, only to be whisked away without the member needing to break stride, ideally. 

Unlike some of the other solutions that will feature on this list, they are not an eyesore, and can be used to fully showcase an open and aesthetic workout space. This is the access control solution that feels most suited for the generation that has latched onto terms like ‘Zoomer’. Speed, convenience and efficiency is of the essence. 


Unsurprisingly, all that talk of aesthetic and efficiency comes at a cost. A comparative lack of security.

Or rather, a need for additional security measures perhaps. Speed lanes are relatively easy to circumvent and we would not recommend them as the only security solution an independent gym or fitness club uses, especially if they are a 24/7 enterprise.

The ideal place of use for speedlanes is a traffic-heavy gym or fitness club in a relatively secure area that operates purely within daylight/business hours. As such, we would only recommend the speedlane as a specific solution for a specific type of gym, not a catch-all solution. 

Swing Gates

Our next access control system that independent gyms can utilise, the Swing Gates, represents a more secure alternative to the Speed lanes. Though, as some might have guessed, at the cost of some speed. 

 These gates are spacious, which is of course, a double-edged sword. They provide relatively quick and easy access whilst allowing a motorised system to ease the passage of members into the facility without need for them to interact with the gate itself.


The Swing Gates have several benefits. They are material light, cheap to maintain and easy to repair. Their spacious design allows people with mobility issues or disabilities to navigate through them much easier. This is the cheapest solution that also benefits wheelchair users. 

 If an independent gym or fitness club is looking to prioritise accessibility, the swing gate should definitely be an avenue that is considered. When compared to the turnstile, it offers a much more reliable situation. While some may require assistance, the number will be significantly reduced. We have even seen some gyms utilising a singular swing gate as an option for those that have accessibility issues. 


With that being said, all this accessibility does lead us to the other side of that double-edged sword. It is very hard to recommend swing gates as a solution for a 24/7 gym or a gym that will not, in some capacity, have their access control system manned and monitored.

Tripod Turnstile

The archetypal three-prolonged turnstile needs little introduction. Perhaps one of the most ubiquitous access control systems in the world. Over a century old and utilised the world over, our question becomes:

 Is it a viable solution as an access control system for independent gyms and fitness clubs in the post-lockdown, post-energy crisis 2023 and beyond?


As the saying goes, it is a classic for a reason. The tripod turnstile is hard-wearing, hard to break and easy to fix. It is a system that is instantly intuitive and uses space efficiently.

 Indeed, when compared to more heavy duty solutions, the tripod turnstile can easily come out on top in terms of cost, space and usability. 

 It is little wonder then that the tripod turnstile has become the staple that it is. When combined with low running costs, it is a system that is remarkably well suited to the post-energy crisis UK and Europe. What goes around comes around we suppose!

Furthermore, the installation of these systems is relatively straightforward and can be adapted to even the most compact gym or fitness club setups. As such, it is no wonder that it is the go-to choice for independent gyms and fitness clubs working on a budget and just starting up.

tripod turnstiles


Unsurprisingly, all that talk of aesthetic and efficiency comes at a cost. A comparative lack of security.

Or rather, a need for additional security measures perhaps. Speed lanes are relatively easy to circumvent and we would not recommend them as the only security solution an independent gym or fitness club uses, especially if they are a 24/7 enterprise.

The ideal place of use for speedlanes is a traffic-heavy gym or fitness club in a relatively secure area that operates purely within daylight/business hours. As such, we would only recommend the speedlane as a specific solution for a specific type of gym, not a catch-all solution. 

Full Height Turnstiles

Speaking of ‘jumping the turnstile’, here is one that even an olympic high-jumper might struggle to overcome.

 Whether they go from floor to ceiling or merely stand at an imposing 2-meter-plus height. The full-height turnstile has become the emblem of access control for the 24-hour gym or fitness club. As such, we’ve seen both these systems rise in tandem, each helping the other succeed.

Has this beneficial relationship come to an end with the partial retreat of the 24-hour gym that has been witnessed over the last two years? Or is this only a temporary trend, quickly being undone? Time will tell, and we shall leverage our expertise to explore just what is in store for the full-height turnstile. 


Able to offer unparalleled security whilst allowing for comparative ease of access. The full-height turnstile is an obvious candidate for the ‘heavy duty’ solution to gym access control. It is a striking statement of intent, a dedication to security, and a true investment.

The durable, all-encompassing nature of it means that it is one of the only access control solutions that offers full peace of mind while unmanned in a 24/7 gym or fitness club. 

 It all but ensures that the only way that a person is getting into the facility is with the appropriate verification method.

 This is important to reassure both the management of a gym and the members. If someone is working out at 3am, they want to know that only the people who have paid to be within a facility can get in. 

 Finally, and perhaps what has given it a critical edge, is the relative ease of passage once verification has been provided. The full-height turnstile mechanism, for all of its bulk, is often easier to navigate than a more traditional turnstile. 


So while the full-height turnstile is a fantastic solution for certain independent gyms and fitness clubs, specifically 24/7 facilities, that does not mean it is a catch-all solution or a silver bullet solution.

 The fitness industry is complex and the answer to the best access control system is not as simple as merely purchasing the biggest option on the market. 

 And indeed, one of the key downsides to the full-height turnstile is cost. It is an expensive solution and one that will require more maintenance than cheaper options were they to break.

 Furthermore, accessibility is another casualty. Unlike the much cheaper swing gates, not everyone will be able to comfortably navigate the full-height turnstile.

And lastly, space is a large consideration. Both in width and length, the full-height turnstile will take up significant room and will take time and space to install. 

As such, while many independent gyms and fitness clubs should seriously consider the full-height turnstile as their access control solution, it is not a given. This is not one of those listicles where you can scroll to the bottom to get the best solution.

But with that being said, to many independent gyms and fitness clubs looking for security as they implement 24/7 or unmanned solutions, the full-height turnstile will be invaluable!

Our Access Control Roundup

And so the conclusion? If you’ve been reading then it should be apparent. Independent gyms and fitness clubs are so varied and specific (in fact it is one of their greatest strengths) that the answer was always going to be multi-faceted.

With that being said, we hope as the article has progressed that it has helped to eliminate certain solutions for certain requirements and parameters. For example, the 24/7 hour aspirant should now be fairly assured of the type of access control system that will most benefit a 24/7 gym or fitness club. 

 Furthermore, we hope that this look has reinforced how each system can help enhance the brand and image that an independent gym or fitness club is trying to project. Whether it is with an effortless speed lane or a hi-tech biometric scanner, each piece of equipment and verification method that we’ve gone through communicates something different.

 The significant number of variables means that the best access control solution for one gym might not be the best for its nearest competitor. Whether it is based on the demographics that frequent the gym or fitness club, the space available, the opening hours or the number of staff members.

 What this article hopes to achieve is a framework to interrogate each of those solutions in a constructive way, as presented by a company that has helped install thousands of them over the last 25 years.

 If you are a new or veteran independent gym or fitness club owner with a desire to refresh, upgrade, or install the best access control system entry system for your facility, please do not hesitate to reach out and contact us.

Here at Ashbourne, we’ve been working with these systems for over twenty-five years, and with that twenty-five years come a level of confidence and dynamism that is hard to match. Our goal is to work with all of our independent gym and fitness club partners to deliver the solution that is correct for them, whether it is a verification system, access control system, or both! 

 Whether your gym is in a busy city centre or purely targeted at the older denizens of a small town. Whether it never shuts or operates in a very specific window. We are confident that our experience and expertise will give us an advantage in finding the best solution for your gym at the best price. Furthermore, our industry-respected club management software can help use this equipment, turning member access into meaningful data that can influence the very fabric of an independent gyms operations. 

 Don’t hesitate to arrange a demo with our team today on the following link! 

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Should You Increase Your Gym Membership Prices?

Should You Increase Your Gym Membership Prices?

What will we cover in this article?

(you can also click to skip ahead!)


Should independent gyms and fitness clubs use AI and AI-powered language learning models to assist with their digital marketing?

How can hiring or incentivising influencers to endorse a fitness business boost their digital marketing campaigns?


Why should gyms utilise mixed media and marketing via a variety of digital platforms to increase their demographic reach?

How can AI be unsuitable for producing high-quality content, despite its ability to produce content in vast quantities?

With fluctuating energy prices and supply chain issues from both the Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine, it is time to tackle some of the hardest questions when it comes to running a Gym or fitness club.

Certain industries and sectors have little to no reservations about putting up their prices. The council is all too happy to dictate when their cut will rise, as are the trains and the petrol stations. But, unfortunately for some in the fitness sector, the rise of national chain budget Gyms has turned the health and fitness industry into an arena of constant price warfare.

As such, we will be taking a look at each of these questions in turn to try and navigate this minefield. A tone-deaf rollout of a price increase could cost your gym or fitness club more than it stands to save. As could a price increase that doesn’t reflect that of your local market and competitors.

Is It time to raise the price of your gym memberships?

In times of prosperity, the aforementioned price war is not necessarily a bad thing. It certainly leads to a lower price for the consumer and necessity will always spark innovation while warding off stagnation. But in times of budget squeeze, the ability to remain inorganically competitive will naturally come into conflict with the ever-increasing, real-value cost of running a Gym or fitness establishment.

As such, when it comes to contesting the percentage of the population who will actually purchase a gym or fitness club membership, the subject is best approached with, at the very least, caution.

With increasing property rents, interest rates, and energy prices, the time has come when the industry is wondering if even the budget chains will be able to sustain their rock-bottom price metrics.

prices are both concerns that impact the spending habits of the consumer. The economic and societal upheaval of the last two years has left many consumers in a very different position when compared to 2019.

It is important that we keep this in mind when both considering and communicating potential price rises. More than ever, consumers will be concerned about the value they are getting for their service.

We will go into more detail when it comes to communicating the price rise but it is important to highlight in this section that your price increase cannot come with no benefits. At the very least be prepared to showcase how your Gym has improved, is improving or will be improved. If you can’t showcase this, a price increase may well result in a net loss of revenue.

To expand, it is important we reinforce that increasing the prices of your Gym or fitness club membership is not a silver bullet solution. It is possible that, if mishandled, your club could end up with less collected membership fees than before.

This is, of course, a worst-case scenario but it is a consideration that should be held at all points of a membership price review. As we previously mentioned, there is an increasingly price-savvy consumer base out there as the public starts to cut unnecessary costs. Many people will be reacting in a knee-jerk fashion. A poorly timed or poorly communicated price increase could be just the thing to causes an exodus of people looking to reduce their monthly expenses. It is also important to consider that the obligatory communication may alert sleeping members to the fact they are still paying for your service.

If either of these takes place during a price increase, it may be significant enough to reduce or even negate the benefit of a Gym membership price increase.

How much should you increase membership prices by?

While this is possibly the most important question here, it is also, unsurprisingly, the one with the most nuanced and situational answer. This will require not only a comprehensive review of your membership but also of the competition in your local area. 

Before increasing the price, it is vital to research the fitness service market in your area. Understand if any of your competitors have already increased their prices. If you don’t know their price previously, merely understanding the different benchmarks for different Gyms in your area is still valuable information. Even if you feel like an increase of £x is justified, if it prices you out of the current market in your area then it is time to ask some intrinsic questions. 

In regards to your current membership, it is important to understand several different aspects of your current situation. It is vital to understand how satisfied your current membership is with the gym or fitness club.

 The two primary methods of achieving this will be social media, reviews, and surveying. Thankfully consumers are very willing to give their feedback in the internet era. Review all outlets of feedback for your Gym, including review sites such as TrustPilot and Google Reviews, as well as your most active social media accounts.

If your clue is not meeting the expectations of your members at the current value, it is very hard to justify a price increase, let alone a significant one. It is important to keep your finger on the pulse of your customer’s opinion. Too often we all complain of businesses being out of touch, but in a value-driven, competitive market, being in touch is paramount.

Only then will you be able to have the necessary confidence in the service you are providing to justify increasing your prices.

Should you increase the price for all members or membership bands?

The answer to this question will once again depend on the nature of your Gym or fitness club. From our experience in the fitness industry, we know that Gym membership categories are as varied, if not more varied than the number of clubs. 

The reason we have decided to write this as its own section is to reinforce that you should take into consideration every membership when conducting a price review. 

Even if you are perfectly happy with the price point of certain membership tiers, it is still necessary to communicate effectively across the entire business.

On the other hand, it may be that you wish to increase the price of every membership by a set amount. The difference between say, £1 per member and 3% per member could vary massively. Both are systems that have been implemented in the fitness industry to varying levels of effectiveness.

 The economic logic here is simple.

Increasing everyone’s membership by a static amount, for the sake of argument here, £1, will give a sense of uniformity. However, this method will represent a smaller increase in terms of percentage for your higher-paying members.

Increasing the price by a percentage across the board will, conversely, spread the load more equally, but perhaps extracting less from your lower-paying members. 

Another frequently asked question during a price review is whether or not loyal members should get preferential treatment. Or whether the price increase should only apply to new members. While this can be tempting and even effective, it is important to note that an increase only on new members may take months, or even years to have a noticeable impact on the margins. 

How should you communicate to your members the facts and reasons for the price increase?

It is vital that when you start to communicate the price increase to your membership, it is done in a calm, clear, and empathetic manner. The tone and professionalism of the communication will be important to get the point across that you are not:

1. Making this decision quickly or lightly

2.Making this decision due to panic or in a reactionary manner 

3. Nor that you are making this decision due to greed

4. That you have considered all possible options and avenues before making this price increase.

 In order to demonstrate that the price increase is being implemented in a controlled manner, it should be communicated well ahead of time. Preferably this should be done in writing, either via e-mail or letter.

This communication should lead with an acknowledgment of the current situation. The consumer is fully aware that the price of living, energy, and rent has increased and therefore this is a solid justification for any rise.

Focus on the improvements that have been made to the Gym and how the service is different from what was being provided a year prior.

Highlight the strengths of your gym or fitness club compared to other Gyms in the area and show that the price is still competitive.

Highlight other improvements that will be being made in the future and where the additional money will be going.

Make sure to brief all staff, most importantly the managers, about this upcoming change. Make sure everyone appreciates why it is happening so that there is a unified response to any complaints. If the team running your social media is separate from your Gym staff, make sure that they are also fully briefed.

Ask staff to refer any severe complaints to the management team. 

If you have more than one gym or fitness club, make sure that the price increases and the communication is tailored to the area. 

Offer to arrange a face-to-face meeting for members to attend to discuss the price raise. This will give the sense that their voices are being listened to. Set an agenda that involves improvements they’d like to see given the new price. 

Should you be wary of increasing your membership prices?

While it is a decision that should be taken with the utmost care, ultimately gyms and fitness clubs should not be scared of increasing their prices. In the current circumstances, it is an understandable and necessary evil. While there will be some inevitable pushback, any gym should be able to effectively articulate that these price increases do not come from a place of greed.

With all the disruption to the economy within the last half-decade, price increases have become an accepted part of life. With that being said, it is important to understand that you still have to be competitive within your local fitness market.

 It is important to understand the strengths of your gym or fitness club, and what makes it continue to appeal to your existing members. If it is the advanced equipment, great location, or versatile facility, that is a solid foundation for a small but impactful price increase. If it is purely that you are the cheapest gym or club in the area, then that may make you more vulnerable to the attrition caused by a price increase.

Further, it is important not to fall into the trap of incremental, yearly rises. This will just result in a yearly exodus of customers. In these exceptional times, better to announce a one-off increase that can be justified and clearly communicated to your membership.

You may want to look into offering members options when you announce the increase. This could include offering them a year of membership at their old rate if they pay the full amount upfront. While this will represent a loss of income over time, it will mean that you collect a full year’s membership whereas otherwise, you might not.

 As stated earlier, the confidence in which a price increase can be implemented should be directly linked to the sophistication of the membership monitoring systems you have in place and therefore the knowledge of your members. 

If you are confident you understand which of your members are loyal and active, and which are perhaps inactive, sleepers, or non-committal, then you will understand the full implication of the decisions you take when conducting a price review.

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Get your club in shape.

Want to discover how? Let us show you.

Simply select your preferred timeslot and we’ll be in touch to have a chat about your health club, the goals you want to achieve, and how our system can help you.

Get your club in shape.

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Gearing Up For The New Year: The Power of a 12 Month Contract For Successful Membership Management


Gym Owner’s Guide: The Power of the 12 Month Contract for Successful Gym Membership Management


As the new year approaches, here at Ashbourne we are looking at how we can support our gyms as we enter 2023 and what we are able to offer members in order to stabilise a gyms income.

The 12-month contract is a concept that needs little introduction, and for good reason. A staple in the fitness industry since the 1970s, the 12-month contract became the dominant form of contract agreement in Gyms and Fitness Clubs. It reached such an extent that, to borrow a popular phrase from the time period, it seemed that ‘there was no alternative’.

However, with the rise of the internet and the budget chain gyms that have come to define city centres across the UK, the temptation has been to shift away from the 12-month contract. Is this fiscal prudence or another part of the desperate ‘race to the bottom’ that these chains have prompted?

In today’s article, we are going to examine the place of the 12-month contract in the post-Covid-19 world, determining whether it is an ailing juggernaut that is running out of steam or a pillar of the industry that should only be shunned at great risk. Few things are as vital to a gym or fitness club’s continued success as its ability to successfully manage the members and extract their membership fees. 



Click To Skip Ahead and Discover The Power of the 12 Month Contract!

1. Reliable Income, Predictability and Marketability

2. Why are 12 Month Contracts Preferable?

3. Collecting Money Methods


1. It is more than just a more reliable income, it is predictability and marketability.

While it is a guiding principle in many different sectors, in the fitness industry there seems to have been a slight bout of amnesia when it comes to WHY the 12-month contract was a mainstay to begin with.
This is, of course, partly understandable. With the rise of the ‘budget chains’ it has, as I love to say, come to resemble a race to the bottom. And under such pressure, it is natural that gym owners would look for an attractive, low-commitment response.

But as with all business decisions, it is important that we look at why this reaction is happening, without mindlessly citing that it is because ‘others are doing it.

The big ticket draw, especially in the pre-internet boom era, was stability. It was about creating an obligation to pay for your membership and creating an obligation that was long enough to be impactful and versatile enough to model business growth and potential sales on.

When it came to either seeking investment and buyers, the ability to state that you have X many members obligated to pay their Gym membership for the next 12 months, and Y members obligated to pay for 11 months was, and remains, a powerful pitch and testament to the value of a Gym.


We will cover attrition, loss rates, and non-payers (something of a specialty for us here at Ashbourne) later. But safe to say in our experience most of your members will be honest and pay on time. Most, if not all, should be signed up to direct debits so the act of manually paying has somewhat disappeared from the market.

We are now going to do a comparison of what an independent gym or fitness club owner can infer about the state and the value of their business if they engage in 12-month contracts or 1-month rolling contracts. 


First for our comparison, we are going to look at an independent gym or fitness club that uses 12-month contracts.

For the sake of hyperbole, we shall say this Gym only has 60 members. 

Membership is worth £30 a month. For a full 12-month span, therefore, the gym or fitness club owner in question collects £360. 

For the sake of neatness we shall assume that 5 members have 12 months remaining, 5 have 11 months remaining, 5 have 10 months remaining, and so on.

5 x 12 months = £1800

5 x 11 months = £1650

5 x 10 months = £1500

5 x 9 months = £1350

5 x 8 months = £1200

5 x 7 months = £1050

5 x 6 months = £900

5 x 5 months = £750

5 x 4 months = £600

5 x 3 months = £450

5 x 2 months = £300

5 x 1 month = £150 

Keeping in mind that this is done with an intentionally low number and a below-average, non-variable membership rate. Even still, just on these numbers alone, our gym or fitness club owner is still on track to make just shy of a contractually guaranteed £13,000. Even if he didn’t sign another member for the whole year. We will get into non-paying and loss rates later, but in our experience as a membership management company, this number pales in comparison to the majority that pay, and pay on time.

Now let us compare this gym or fitness club owner who works with 12-month contractual agreements versus another club owner who doesn’t and what happens to them if there are no 12-month contracts in place. Suddenly there is no guaranteed income and specifically, no lowest guaranteed income. Essentially this means, to both the gym owner and any relevant business interests, all that is guaranteed is the cash that is going in at the end of the month. 

So now we go to the tale of two owners who are trying to sell their gyms. The only thing they differ on is that one has primarily 12-month contracts, and the other does not. Both have assets, which are either the lease to the property or the property itself as well as any equipment and the like.

For our one-month membership gym owner, that is pretty much all she wrote. But for our 12-month gym owner, not only do they have all of the above. They also have a very pleasing stack of contractual obligations linking the owner of that gym and the existing membership. Not only is that an asset, but it is also a guarantee.


Without that guarantee, any potential buyer (or even investors) faces a very real uncertainty when viewing a gym. If there is a firm, legally binding contract in place across the majority of the membership, this helps provide a picture of what the immediate future of the gym looks like. This is even more vital when it comes to selling, as it means the new owner or owners will have time to convince the current membership that they should stay. 


The same applies to any changes that need to be made. This doesn’t need to be from a new owner but also applies to internal changes an existing owner may wish to make. Without long-term contracts, members can easily vote with their feet within a month if required. If a popular member of staff needs to be let go, or something needs to be cut back due to the current cost of living crisis. In a short-term contract scenario, members can organise in a month and leave. If they are signed into contracts of various lengths, that sort of rebellion becomes all but impossible. 

As such, you can see that the argument for securing cash flow through contracts is not something that can be discarded with the ease we sometimes see in the modern fitness industry. From the perspective of membership stability, investability and sellability, a long-term contracting system provides a lot of tangible benefits. 


Even if a gym owner has no desire to sell, for the simple health and stability of a gym or fitness club it is advisable to look into this method. 


2. Why are 12 month contracts preferable?

While 12 month contracts don’t fully protect a gym from the attrition of membership loss, they can help mitigate a large swathe of it throughout the churn of a normal business year (remember what those were like?). 


The reason that monthly contracts come up short in our mind is that monthly losses, by their very nature, are separated. This makes the attrition of a year look different when compared to monthly membership totals. 

To take some example statistics that have been seen. 

Opened ended, monthly renewal attrition rate  = anywhere between 4% and 8% in a given month. 

Twelve month contract attrition rate = less than 1% a month, or between 9% and 12% annually.

With even these generous figures, it becomes clear that the illusion of stability and sustainability granted by monthly open ended gym memberships is just that, an illusion.


The reason for the widespread adoption of this system? A short time rise in sales. Often you will hear the same story ‘We switched to primarily pushing for one month open ended contracts and our sales skyrocketed’. All well and good. Potentially even true. But as the late, great Jimi Hendrix once said, castles made of sand, fall into the sea, eventually. 


While the sales may skyrocket, keep in mind what they are selling is 1/12th of the value. Doesn’t sound so great does it?


3. Methods for collecting money, why it is important, and some thoughts on month-to-month membership.

As with any aspect of a successful business, factors flow into one another. One success can be supported by a multitude of factors. One failure can have multiple repercussions. Very little happens in isolation.

As such, it is pertinent to talk about not only the varying schools of thought on collecting monthly memberships but also the actual Collecting of monthly memberships.


For the amount of effort it takes to build membership on either a monthly rolling basis or a 12-month contractual term, it is important to make sure that 100% of the contractually obliged money is collected. 


A common mistake we see with gyms and fitness clubs that aren’t partnered with us is that they over-sign and struggle to collect. It is a story as old as time. The more members being processed manually, the more will slip through the cracks.

So ask yourself these three pertinent questions: 

Do you have enforceable contracts in place for all your members?

Do you have exact numbers on how many of these members are in each tier, be it 1 month, 3 months, or 12 months?

Is your membership being managed by a third-party financial specialist?


Well, we can help you with the third. Here at Ashbourne, we have over twenty-five years of experience in the fitness industry, servicing, administrating, and collecting gym and fitness club memberships from facilities across the UK and Ireland. 

From our bespoke software to our membership collection team, every aspect of our business is set up to ensure your members receive the best service and you receive every penny or cent of your contract.

With contracts built to suit you and your business, we are able to help give you the stable base for growth we’ve been discussing throughout this article.


Interested in finding out more? Don’t hesitate to book a demo with our team today. 



We hope we have highlighted why a 12-month contract could be the answer for these troubled times. While it may initially feel counter-intuitive, there is nothing wrong with striving for a stable income. 


A 12-month contractual agreement with your membership could unlock hitherto unknown stability within a gym or fitness club. And by working with a third-party membership management company, you can ensure that your foundations are solid and secured. 


So while the 12-month agreement may seem like a relic from a more civilised age, we would argue it has its place in the modern arsenal of gym owners. Don’t be lured by the short-term satisfaction and sales boost of a monthly contract. Both have their place in the modern market. 


Should You Be Increasing Your Prices At Your Gym?

Increase Gym Membership Prices Features

Increase Gym Membership Prices


“Should I Increase My Gym’s Prices?”


Certain industries and sectors have little to no reservations about putting up their prices. The council is all too happy to dictate when their cut will rise, as are the trains and the petrol stations. But unfortunately for some in the fitness sector, the rise of national chain budget Gyms has turned the health and fitness industry into an arena of constant price warfare.

As such, we will be taking a look at each of the most common questions and concerns that gym owners have to try and navigate in this minefield when they increase their membership prices.

We’ve recently carried out our own price increase in our test gym “The Fit Club Redditch“, so you can follow our roadmap for increasing your prices and building your club’s revenue.


All your questions answered (click them to skip ahead)…


Is it time to raise the price of your Gym Memberships?

How much should they increase by?

Should you increase the price for all members?

How should you communicate the price increase to your members?

Should you be wary of increasing your prices?




Is it time to raise the price of your Gym Memberships?


The aforementioned price war is not necessarily a bad thing. It certainly leads to a lower price for the consumer. But in times of budget squeeze, the ability to remain competitive will naturally come into conflict with the ever-increasing, real-value cost of running your Gym.

As such, when it comes to contesting the percentage of the population who will actually purchase Gym or fitness club membership, the subject is best approached with, at the very least, caution.


With increasing property rents and energy prices, the time has come where the industry is wondering if even the budget chains will be able to sustain their rock bottom price metrics.


And of course, unlike many economic factors that assail the industry, property rents and energy prices are both concerns that impact the spending habits of the consumer. The economical and societal upheaval of the last two years has left many consumers in a very different position when compared to 2019.

It is important that we keep this in mind when both considering and communicating potential price rises.


More than ever, consumers will be concerned about the value they are getting for their service.


family working out lifestyle budget


We will go into more detail when it comes to communicating the price rise but it is important to highlight in this section that your price increase cannot come with no benefits. At the very least be prepared to showcase how your Gym has improved, is improving or will be improved. If you can’t showcase this, a price increase may well result in a net loss of revenue.

To expand, it is important we reinforce that increasing the prices of your Gym or fitness club membership is not a silver bullet solution.


It is possible that, if mishandled, your club could end up with less collected in membership fees than before.


This is, of course, a worse case scenario but it is a consideration that should be held at all points of a membership price review. As we previously mentioned, there is an increasingly price savvy consumer base out there as the public starts to cut unnecessary costs. Many people will be reacting in a knee jerk fashion. A poorly timed or poorly communicated price increase could be just the thing to cause an exodus of people looking to reduce their monthly expenses. It is also important to consider that the obligatory communication may alert sleeping members to the fact they are still paying for your service. 

If either of these take place during a price increase, it may be significant enough to reduce or even negate the benefit of a Gym membership price increase.



How much should you increase membership prices by?


While this is possibly the most important question here, it is also, unsurprisingly, the one with the most nuanced and situational answer. This will require not only a comprehensive review of your membership but also of the competition in your local area.


Before increasing the price, it is vital to research the entire fitness market in your area.


Understand if any of your competitors have already increased their price. If you don’t know their price previously, merely understanding the different benchmarks for different Gyms in your area is still valuable information. Even if you feel like an increase of £x is justified, if it prices you out of the current market in your area then it is time to ask some intrinsic questions. 

In regards to your current membership, it is important to understand several different aspects of their current situation.


It is vital to understand how satisfied your current membership is with the gym or fitness club.


The two primary methods of achieving this will be social media, reviews and surveying. Thankfully consumers are very willing to give their feedback in the internet era. Review all outlets of feedback for your Gym, including review sites such as TrustPilot and Google Reviews, as well as your most active social media accounts.

If your clue is not meeting the expectations of your members at the current value, it is very hard to justify a price increase, let alone a significant one. It is important to keep your finger on the pulse of your customer’s opinion. Too often we all complain of businesses being out of touch, but in a value driven, competitive market, being in touch is paramount.

Only then will you be able to have the necessary confidence in the service you are providing to justify increasing your price.



Should you increase the price for all types of members?


The answer to this question will once again depend on the nature of your Gym or fitness club. From our (very, very long) experience in the fitness industry, we know that Gym membership categories are as varied, if not more varied than the number of clubs.

The reason we have decided to write this as its own section is to reinforce that you should take into consideration every membership when conducting a price review. 

Even if you are perfectly happy with the price point of certain membership tiers, it is still necessary to communicate effectively across the entire business.

On the other hand, it may be that you wish to increase the price of every membership by a set amount. The difference between say, £1 per member and 3% per member could vary massively. Both are systems that have been implemented in the fitness industry to varying levels of effectiveness.


Gym Membership Tiers


The economic logic here is simple.


Increasing everyone’s membership by a static amount, for the sake of argument here, £1, will give the sense of uniformity.




This method will represent a smaller increase in terms of percentage for your higher paying members. Increasing the price by a percentage across the board will, conversely, spread the load more equally, but perhaps extracting less from your lower paying members. 


Another frequently asked question during a price review is whether or not loyal members should get preferential treatment. Or whether the price increase should only apply to new members. While this can be tempting and even effective, it is important to note that an increase only on new members may take months, or even years to have a noticeable impact on the margins.



How to communicate the reasons for the price increase to your members…


It is vital that when you start to communicate the price increase to your membership, it is done in a calm, clear and empathetic manner.

The tone and professionalism of the communication will be important to get the point across that you are not:


  1. Making this decision quickly or lightly.
  2. Making this decision due to panic or in a reactionary manner.
  3. Nor that you are making this decision due to greed.
  4. That you have considered all possible options and avenues before making this price increase.


In order to demonstrate that the price increase is being implemented in a controlled manner, it should be communicated well ahead of time. Preferably this should be done in writing, either via e-mail or letter.


Our Rules For Gym Price Increase Communication…


This communication should lead with an acknowledgement of the current situation. The consumer is fully aware that the price of living, energy and rent is increasing and therefore this is a solid justification for any rise.


Focus on the improvements that have been made to the Gym and how the service is different to what was being provided a year prior.


Highlight the strengths of your gym or fitness club compared to other Gyms in the area and show that the price is still competitive.


Highlight other improvements that will be being made in the future and where the additional money will be going.


Make sure to brief all staff, most importantly the managers, about this upcoming change. Make sure everyone appreciates why it is happening, so that there is a unified response to any complaints. If the team running your social media is separate from your Gym staff, make sure that they are also fully briefed.

Ask staff to refer any severe complaints to the management team. 


If you have more than one gym or fitness club, make sure that the price increase and the communication is tailored to the area. 


Offer to arrange a face to face meeting for members to attend to discuss the price raise. This will give the sense that their voices are being listened to. Set an agenda that involves improvements they’d like to see given the new price. 



Should you be wary of increasing your membership prices?


While it is a decision that should be taken with the utmost care, ultimately gyms and fitness clubs should not be scared of increasing their prices. In the current circumstances it is an understandable and necessary evil.

While there will be some inevitable pushback, any gym should be able to effectively articulate that these price increases do not come from a place of greed.


Woman clutching piggy bank in shock


With all the disruption to the economy within the last half decade, price increases have become an accepted part of life.


With that being said, it is important to understand that you still have to be competitive within your local fitness market.


It is important to understand the strengths of your gym or fitness club, what makes it continue to appeal to your existing members.


  • If it is the advanced equipment, great location or versatile facility, that is a solid foundation for a small but impactful price increase.
  • If it is purely that you are the cheapest gym or club in the area, then that may make you more vulnerable to the attrition caused by a price increase.


Further more it is important not to fall into the trap of incremental, yearly rises. This will just result in a yearly exodus of customers.


It is better to announce a one off increase that can be justified and clearly communicated to your membership.


You may want to look into offering members options when you announce the increase. This could include offering them a year of membership at their old rate if they pay the full amount upfront. While this will represent a loss of income overtime, it will mean that you collect a full year’s membership where otherwise you might not.

As stated earlier, the confidence of which a price increase can be implemented should be directly linked to the sophistication of the membership monitoring systems you have in place and therefore the knowledge of your members. 

If you are confident you understand which of your members are loyal and active, and which are perhaps inactive, sleepers or non-committal, then you will understand the full implication of the decisions you take when conducting a price review.



Want to understand more about your membership?

Ashbourne can help you gain unprecedented insight.


As you can see, we really get stuck into every aspect of helping gyms and clubs succeed. Our success is directly tied to the success of our partnered clubs, so we are always ensuring that we’re at the cutting edge when it comes to helping all of our gyms grow and market themselves effectively.

If you’d like to get in touch about how we can help your club succeed, then you can always book a demo with our sales director, Grant Harrison, who would love to show you how our full club management package can help you improve and grow every aspect of your business.

How Your Members Can Increase Your Gym Membership Sales

Today, we’re going to draw attention to how focusing on your members can in fact increase your membership sales!

Word of mouth has been one of the longest-standing and most successful forms of marketing. Not only is it incredibly cost-effective (costing you nothing!) but it also gives you the opportunity to hear from current paying members about how they are enjoying their membership at your facility and generate some ideas on what you could do to improve.

Impress your current members and they will do some of your marketing efforts for you! Recommending your gym to their friends and family, so let’s get started with our next 17 techniques to help drive your membership sales.


1. Breaking Down The Sales Barrier

So through the methods, we have tried so far, you have your prospective member through the door of your Gym or Fitness Club. Great! But if your sales system is an antiquated relic, that prospective member will leave without a membership as quickly as they came in.

Ensure that all of your staff know what is expected of them when a prospective member enters your club and make sure your sales system is carried out on each and every occasion.

When prospects enter your club you need to ensure that the systems are in place to secure the sale. Too many clubs we have seen have outdated and inefficient sign-up systems. These can be inefficient for the customer, taking up a large amount of time or on outdated equipment. Or they can be inefficient for the business, involving forms filled out by hand or done across multiple different systems with different data outputs. 

If this sounds familiar to you, then it is time to step up your Sales game. Things will need to change at your Gym or Fitness club if you wish to compete with the large chain gyms in your area. These gyms have a dedicated sales force that are sales professionals and will recruit the members that should be yours. They also have a strong automation game, with significant numbers of youth sign-ups being done without anyone being involved at all. Purely a digital sales platform.


2. Encourage Your Staff To Greet Your Gym Or Fitness Club’s Prospective Members

Much like the perfection of a working Sales doctrine for your staff. Reinforcing common courtesy can go a long way.

A warm smile, a hand-shake (before and hopefully after Covid-19), and an exchange of names can make the entire process less daunting.

Don’t assume that every prospective member will want to be given a hand-guided tour. Some just want to be left to their own devices. But it should be the standard for your staff to offer it and not push it if the offer is rejected.


3. Ask Them To Complete The Questionnaire At Or Around Point Of Sale

A simple, non-intrusive, and short questionnaire will help you identify areas of your Gym or Fitness Club that they should be using.

This will help your personal trainer, marketing team and associated staff determine the best course of action with the least intrusive set of information.


4. Be Upfront About What Will Happen During The Tour

Run through that you will:

  • Go through the questionnaire
  • Show them around the gym
  • Go through the various membership options and try to find a suitable option for them to join today.


5. Ensure The Staff Are Able To Fully Administer The Questionnaire

As we discussed earlier, the Questionnaire should be short and pacey enough that only the most impatient customer will be annoyed filling it out.

Keep the questions strictly necessary to your Gym and your new Member’s development. This will allow you to get the maximum amount of benefit from the start. As we covered in an earlier point, this will increase your chance of gaining and retaining customers. Their journey will be made easier and more impactful by the guidance your staff will be able to offer off of the back of their questionnaire.


6. Determine How New Members Heard About The Club

This can be included in the questionnaire or asked separately by staff.


While we want to keep the questionnaire as brief as possible, the answer to this question will be easier to correlate if all of the answers are in the same format from the questionnaire.

The responses to this question will be vital for understanding which of your many attempts to drum up membership are working and which are failing.


7. Returning Members

Use the questionnaire to determine if the new member is a returning member.

Perhaps include a section asking why they left or why they are returning. This could be important information for you to learn from when managing and improving your Gym or Fitness Club. 


8. Peak or Off-Peak?

Monitor your peak and off-peak foot-fall carefully. 

Your peak times will be important to monitor because an overly crowded Gym will lose members quickly. No one likes not being able to use your rear delt fly machine (as previously established, the best machine).

It is important to understand the equipment that does and does not get used during peak and off-peak times.


9. What Equipment Do They Want To Use?

To develop from the previous point. Finding a way to non-intrusively gauge what is being used, what is not being used, and what is being overused will be vital to keep your members happy.

If a member has been unable to use the rear delt fly machine six visits in a row, he might not make a seventh. Obviously, equipment is expensive but so is losing members. Consider your options carefully. A happy gym membership will be largely due to them being able to do the workouts that they want to do. 


10. Focus On Their Areas Of Interest

Conduct your tour of your facility by showing the areas that are of most interest to them. Invite the prospect to try a piece of equipment to experience how easy it is to use – ensure the weight is set low on resistance equipment.


11. Try The Equipment

While we are talking about equipment. Try your wares or get someone you trust to try your equipment.

Whilst your staff should have a set maintenance pattern to ensure your equipment is up to snuff. It never hurts to sample your produce. If there have been a lot of complaints about a certain piece of equipment, there might be an even better reason to test it out.

Understand if your chest press machine is the best it can be! 


12. Demonstrate Relevant Equipment On The Tour

Using the questionnaire, understand the goals of the new member receiving the tour and make sure the staff understands the best pieces of equipment to utilise during the tour.

Does the customer want to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 1960s? I think they need a tore of the bicep and tricep machine, as well as a hefty go at the Chest Press. 

Are they wanting to look like Bruce Lee? They should meet their new best friend the rear fly delt machine and a treadmill. 


13. Price Options and The Tour

Make sure the staff giving the tour fully understand the different price points and tiers that your gym is offering. These will be vital to make sure the customer gets the best deal and your Gym or Fitness Club gets the correct amount of money.


14. FOMO And The Introductory Tour

Creating Fear of Missing Out on the introductory tour can be risky, especially if the customer is only there on a day visit on a week pass.

However, it can also be incredibly effective.

Work with your staff to understand which feel comfortable doing this in a way that doesn’t exploit the customer, whilst still effectively allowing them to make a decision that otherwise they might be hesitant to make. 


15. Closing The Sale Whilst on the Introductory Tour

Again, leading on from the last point. Make sure your staff understands how to close a sale in a way that won’t be crude, awkward, or overly apparent.

Not all gym staff are natural salesmen and the last thing you want is your Gym or Fitness Club associated with primitive pressure tactics.


16. Dealing With Objections

As we’ve addressed earlier, sometimes trying to close a sale will result in objections, even with all the tact in the world.

It is important that your staff understand when it is appropriate to push the matter and when it is appropriate to back off and take the loss, so to speak.

Sometimes mindlessly and relentlessly chasing the close will do more damage than good. 


17. Close The Sale!

With all objections overcome; with the emotional reasons for joining revealed and targeted; with the relevant parts of your facility clearly explained and demonstrated; and with the most suitable pricing options promoted, you should get the sale!

To help you further, here are various techniques you can use that will help you to close the sale:

  • Be assumptive during the tour and act as if the other person has made the decision to buy already.
  • Turn the focus of the conversation towards the next level of questions and assume the buying decision has already been made. For instance, “Once you have joined will you be bringing a friend?” When you act as though something is already true it is much more difficult for the prospect to deny it.
  • The alternative close works by offering more than one clearly defined alternative to the customer. If there is no third choice (i.e. to think about it), then they must pick one or the other. For instance, “Would you prefer the monthly direct debit option or the 12 month membership?” This works well when combined with being assumptive as the prospect only has a limited number of choices and not joining is no longer an available option.
  • List the pros and the cons of the prospect purchasing to show clearly that it will be a good decision to join. Ensure that the pros always outweigh the cons and the member will be certain to join.
  • When overcoming an objection, isolate that objection and ask if that is their only concern otherwise you will find you are just trying to overcome objection after objection. For example if a prospect says they can’t afford the joining fee use the conditional close, “If I can lower your deposit, will you be happy to take the membership today?” You’ve then established that if you can overcome this objection there shouldn’t be anything left holding them back.
  • When people are procrastinating or dithering over whether they should buy now or buy later, show them that delaying will either get them no advantage or may even be to their disadvantage. Talk about what they will miss by not having a membership over the coming period and emphasise the fact that they will miss out on the first visit discount.
  • The key to closing a sale is enthusiasm. Have a passion for what you trying to sell – if you believe in your product you are far more likely to convert the prospect. Make them feel what you feel. Making them excited about achieving their fitness and emotional goals will help transfer the enthusiasm.
  • A sale is either you convincing them that it’s the way to go, or them convincing you that they are right. The enthusiasm helps you convince them. Conviction and enthusiasm that the best thing for them to do is exercise at your club.
  • Positive body language will help reinforce that your staff genuinely want to help your customers achieve their goals. 
  • Every interaction with a prospective customer helps to reinforce their opinion of your Gym or Fitness Club. Ensure that you and your team exude confidence and a welcoming attitude even down to your answerphone message.
  • Find a positive in everything and try to get excited about that.
  • FOMO: Make the customer understand why it is in their best interest to commit to your Gym or Fitness Club today.


Now you’re armed with even more tips for recruiting and retaining members, there is only one obstacle standing in your way to running a successful club: implementation. It is time to get some of what we have detailed here underway. 

You’re a smart gym owner or you wouldn’t be reading this blog. You realise that everything boils down to getting and keeping members. You know you need to sort out your marketing, software systems, payment, collection, retention strategy and more.

But you know all that, and the problem has always been having the time to do it. Who can you trust to allow you to have more time to focus on getting more members?

Ashbourne Membership Management have the solution.

Get in touch for a full demo of our software or to simply have a conversation about how we can help you and your gym achieve its full potential.


Price Freezes, Pricing Structure and Competition While Exiting Lockdown For a Gym or Fitness Club

2kg blue weights

No man is an island as John Donne said, and neither is any business. Your Gym or Fitness Club will naturally be affected by the competition that surrounds it, and this has never been more pertinent as Lockdown is being lifted after this most recent (and hopefully last) wave of the Covid-19 Pandemic. 

As such, the Fitness Club and Gym market finds itself in a unique position. How does our industry act moving forward? After over a year of either Pay Freezes, Price Freezes, mass cancellation and the rise of Home-Gymming. It is time to take a look at some of the basics as we move forward out of Lockdown.

So to bring it full circle from the beginning of our introduction, do not ask who the Dumbbell tolls for, it tolls for thee. 


Keep your area or each area in mind

This will be easier for a Gym or Fitness Club owner or manager who only deals with one building.

Knowing the area is vital. This isn’t as simple as knowing the competition. Understanding transport links, demographics and other external factors is vital.

Not only that, it is important, now more than ever, to not take this knowledge for granted. Just because you have operated in your area for five or ten years, doesn’t mean it looks the same post-Covid.


Some estimates say the population of London dropped by nearly 700,000 people over Lockdown. If you operate in London, that is a lot of potential members gone. If you operate outside of London, that is a lot of potential members gained.

Cities, in general, saw a reduction in population outside of a few outliers such as Bristol and Edinburgh. Towns and Suburbia saw an increase as the British population wanted to enjoy gardens more, and cramped city flats less.

This means the demographics in your area could’ve changed dramatically.


Working from Home

Not only that, people have started working from home more, and this is not a trend that shows any sign of abating.

Over the entire lockdown, many traditionally office-based sectors such as the financial sector, software development and investment all moved to a work from home structure with significant infrastructure investments.

Costly offices have been shut down entirely during the last 15 months and working from home has never been so widespread or viable.

As a Gym or Fitness Club Owner or Manager, you need to be looking at how this affects your place in the market.

Was your Gym full of financial sector office workers because of its position in the city centre? Was it next to a suburban development that has just doubled in population size due to the urban flight?

One of these businesses is going to have significantly more members, and another might now have significantly less. You need to understand where your former members are now, and where your potential new members might be.

This represents a shift in demographics in this country not seen since the Second World War and your Gym or Fitness Club would be remiss and essentially flying blind if you did not renew your market research into the new landscape of your local area.


Monitor your competitors and their pricing levels

You should never be neglecting the pricing levels, structures and tactics of your competitors, and whenever we are exiting a Lockdown is absolutely no exception.

Keep a close eye on several aspects of your local competitors’ pricing structure. Is there a noticeable reduction in price across all your competitors in an attempt to win customers back after a period of hardship and separation from their member base? Conversely, has the price risen due to perceived increased demand in your area?

Your pricing decisions should be based on real market analysis, so keep an eye on what they’re charging for various membership types. As we covered in the last section, this could be based on research they have done that has revealed something you do not yet know.

A high tide may raise all boats, but you can still be in the best position to exploit and utilise that high tide. Look for patterns in your competitors’ movement that may indicate where your business needs to look or what it needs to do moving forward.


Cancelled Memberships: What happens next

Even if your Gym or Fitness Club froze all your memberships instantly in March or April of 2020 when the Covid-19 Pandemic’s effect became clear. It is likely you have lost some members.

Given everything we have detailed so far with the effect it has had on the country, it is hardly surprising that you may have lost some members. And without open facilities to attract new members, this means most Gyms and Fitness Clubs will be in full recruiting mode.

This will leave most regions and localities looking very different to how they have done in the past.

For once, it seems likely that every Gym or Fitness Club in a given area will be thinking ‘How do I attract New Members within the next month’. Rather than some being at capacity and some being happy just to coast.

This means there will be a lot of competition and one area worth focusing on is the reclamation and consolidation of any members that cancelled during the last 15 months between March 2020 and June 2021.

Utilising your market team to make it clear your Gym or Fitness Club is back open is the first, apparent step.

After that, it will become a matter of offers, nostalgic reminders and events that will have to get them dropping those 5kg dumbbells that live under their sofa and back onto your state of the art equipment. 


Frozen Memberships. What happens next

From time-to-time your members might have a genuine reason for not being able to attend the club but recently they’ve had a damn good reason not to attend. As such, many Fitness Clubs and Gyms took the decision at the beginning of the lockdown to freeze membership direct debits until the time it seemed possible to re-open safely, once lockdown had been fully lifted. 

Rather than letting them cancel this allowed for the mass freezing of memberships in a way that hadn’t been done before on a nationwide scale.

However, with freezing comes significant risks. There is a significant chance that even though the membership has been frozen for so long, now the world is opening up the member could turn around at the end of this freeze period, instantly stopping their direct debit now that the prospect of returning has arisen.

It has been proven that many gym-goers are reliant on momentum and habit and those are obviously factors that have been curtailed and shattered in the last 15 months.

Thus it is very important to try and work on a campaign of integration back into the club. This could range from events and clubs, to new equipment, free t-shirts and even discounts. 

If possible, get your staff to contact individual members during this period of unfreezing and lifting Lockdown to determine:

  1.  When the freeze started, confirm the terms of the freeze and then check the members contact details.
  2.  Ask them when they would like the freeze to end and try to encourage them back as soon as safe and possible..
  3.  Try to end the freeze on the phone to reduce repeat admin and increase revenue. But make sure your staff respect the member’s wish if they do not wish to unfreeze yet!



The path out of lockdown isn’t going to be easy, but it does represent an opportunity.

A lot has changed and not all of it is necessarily for the worse. We find ourselves in a new environment and that environment comes with its own challenges, trials, opportunities and successes.

As we move into the summer, hopefully, this guide we have laid out will help you appreciate some of the challenges that lie ahead and how to make them work for you! 


You needn’t do it alone 

Lockdown wasn’t just an unprecedented time for Gyms and Fitness Clubs, it was also unprecedented for us as a Fitness Payment Management Solutions company.

We rose to these challenges in a big way and as such are now more ready than ever to help your club or gym move into this new future.

If you are interested in how we can help your club enter the post-Lockdown market and really power up your operation, please contact us today for a free demonstration!

We hope to hear from you soon!

5 More Questions You Need To Ask About Your Membership Payment Collection

bi dashboard ashbourne membership management

5 More Questions You Need To Ask About Your Membership Payment Collection

We are back with 5 more questions that you need to be asking when it comes to membership payment collection when talking to a membership management company. As you might remember from our last article, we had a lot to say on the subject. Now we are back with more of our insight. Grab a pen and paper or open up a word document and start making your own checklist of questions you want to ask when approaching a company to potentially deal with your membership fees and payment management collection.

Once again, we have put the follow-up questions we deem to be most pertinent in their own quotation boxes, like the one below. Keep these in mind when forming your cheat sheet of questions.

Grab a pen and paper or open up a word document and start making your own checklist of questions you want to ask when approaching a company to potentially deal with your membership fees and payment management collection.

thinking customer on laptop

1. Are there any restrictions?

Leading on from the follow-up questions from the last blog, It is important to ask about the limitations of any given direct debit payment management company. Not every company will be able to provide every service you want as part of their standardised packages.

The relative nuances and permutations of fitness service rarely allow for such clean fits. Club fees and membership payments are always a safe bet, but as you get into the other services, you may find that there are restrictions cropping up with each of your prospective direct debit payment management candidates.

If you are reading sequentially you’ll already be thinking about the challenges that could be presented if a payment company isn’t able to work around certain aspects of your business.

What if they are unable to deal with the payment and booking of specialised workout classes? Or what if they don’t deal with the organisation and payment of personal trainers. 

Perhaps this is acceptable to you and your business. If so, great. You might already have the infrastructure in place to deal with it and be willing to take the hit of dual-systems.

However it is important to consider whether this is prudent or necessary. If the company you are talking to has an alternative. Is it worth considering the switch?

One key thing to look out for is how the company handles cash payments. If a company can incorporate cash payments into their system on the fly, this is a good sign that their system will be adaptable. 

Think of the detriment that could occur if a system is inflexible and can only take electronic, or worse, only set payments. This would hamper your ability to cater to something as simple as a club member bringing their friend to your establishment or business. 

Equally, you need to ask yourself at what point too many restrictions become a deal breaker. What are your red-lines? What are the services you need to receive from a payment management company. What are the services you’d like to receive? What are the services you don’t mind not receiving, or have alternative solutions for. 

A simple tiered checklist like this can make all the difference as you navigate the various offerings provided. 

Follow-up questions to consider: 

  • Are the restrictions reasonable?
  • Is the company willing to accommodate your needs? Are their systems versatile enough?
  • How do they respond to your concerns as a potential client?
  • How do they deal with cash payments and one-off payments? If casual cash transactions can be incorporated into the payment management system, this will afford you greater flexibility moving forward.


2. What percentage of my funds will you hold back?

Much like our discussion around charging and price structure in our last outing, this will vary hugely from one payment management company to the next.

There is no standardised system across direct debit payment management companies and so this has the potential to be as varied as the number of companies that are out there. This, more than any other section, it is most important to think of what your business needs.

Do you require bi-monthly payments? Is once a month sufficient? Or would weekly be preferable. Each payment that the management company makes will have its own administration costs, their own infrastructure to consider and their own scheduling to account for.

All of the questions in this guide are fundamentally designed to help you approximate the value of a direct debit payment management company to your business. This question brings that goal into focus in a big way. The delivery of your funds is the crux of your relationship and it will be somewhere where the potential benefits and pitfalls of your relationship with the company will become apparent. 

If they are upfront and earnest in the functionality of their fund delivery schedule and systems, it could be a positive sign of your future working relationship. If they are inflexible and impersonal, it could be a bad portent of things to come.



3. How long does it take to get set up?

This question, like many of our questions, will serve two purposes. There are the practical considerations of the time it will take to set up a payment management company within your systems, and then there is also their philosophy and approach whilst doing so.

As such, this is another question that will be a vital indicator and source of insight into the business partnership you are setting up with the payment management company. Exploring what the initial setup phase will look like whilst you are sounding out different management companies will give you a good idea of what to expect.

Whilst the time taken to set up is not necessarily an indication of the quality of service you will be receiving, it will be a defining incident in your working relationship with the payment management company. Therefore it will be worthy of close scrutiny, from the beginning of your first demo or consultation through to implementation and beyond.

If a direct debit payment management company has a swift setup procedure, this is usually a good sign. It will often mean they have a simple, intuitive system that can blend in easily with existing structures.

Furthermore, it means that respect you as a client, are not overstretched and are dedicated to results.

With that being said, it is important that they are willing to understand your needs from the setup. There is a fine line to tread between a swift and professional service, and a hasty and impersonal one. 

As such, you should be on the look-out during demonstrations and asking questions that will help illuminate whether the foot you are getting off to with the management company is the right one.


4. What customer support do you offer?

Customer support will mean two things when it comes to a direct debit payment management company. The customer service it provides to your members, and the customer service it provides to you. 

Depending on the sophistication and complexity of the payment management company you elect to go with. You could be finding yourself dealing with multiple extra systems and it is important that the company is willing and able to talk you through these systems at a moment’s notice.

A dedicated customer care team, preferably only a phone call or a live chat away, can be invaluable to ensuring that any pressing query about your new (or old!) system can be answered with immediacy.

And of equal importance, you need to be able to rely on that same swift and effective service when your customer’s have a quandary that needs solving. It is no use them coming to you if you then have to send off a cumbersome email. It’ll leave them unsatisfied and you feeling out of control. 

Ask questions about the specifics of customer support, draft some queries that come up in your club or business and test the endurance and flexibility of their customer support systems. 

Follow-up questions to consider: 

  • What technical support is available to you as a business owner (or your staff) if the direct debit payment management company is going to be introducing new systems to your business?
  • What are the opening times for the customer support lines?
  •  Do they align with your gym’s opening times?
  • What is the availability like on the business/client support team? What are the average wait times? What are their SLAs for responding to queries?

working out finances

5. What happens if a customer misses a payment?

An unfortunate but inevitable part of running a business such as a fitness club or gym. What if a customer misses a payment. It can be unpleasant, it certainly isn’t desirable. But it needn’t be your concern.

One of the largest benefits a direct debit payment management company can bring you is in their dealings with your late fee members and those who enter sustained arrears.

As such, this becomes an important question to ask and an important topic to dedicate time to in your search for a payment management company. If the company has a system in place for members who miss payments or pay late. This can be invaluable.

When factoring in the comparison between different payment management companies. Consider the amount that you might need to pay if you were to chase these fees yourself, or to employ a separate time to do so. This figure will only need to be a broad estimate before you start to see why a company that deals with this tumultuous area for you is worth the extra money.

Certain companies will charge extra for the handling of arrears reclamation. This can be a valid service and will definitely help to delineate where your money is going. With that being said however, it can also result in the service being an afterthought. It is worth looking into whether the payment management company considers this to be a keystone of their business or an ambitious afterthought. In such a delicate field, an amateur operation can great a lot of heartache and concern. 

Direct debit payment management companies that deal with missed payments will often have a specialised team in place to resolve these matters. Often they will be handled entirely in-house and in a professional, caring and correct manner.

It is, however, important to confirm that this will be the case. Ask for examples and case studies of how their reclamation or arrears department has dealt with missed payments in the past.

Missed payments will always be a sensitive subject even if it is just a simple administration error on the part of the member and especially if it is more systemic than that. It is of utmost importance to maintain a positive relationship with your members even during these trying times. It should go without saying that you are more likely to receive the money you are due if these matters are entrusted to a professional debt reclamation team.

More than that, your company will be less likely to be exposed to negative stories resulting from the mishandling of collection, the approach will be ethical and regulated and you are more likely to retain the member if their financial situation improves. 


Follow-up questions to consider: 

  • Are there examples of arrears reclamation emails, calls or other correspondence that can be provided to prove the quality and values of the operation?
  • What are the success rates for their reclamation team?
  • How long has the arrear reclamation team in question been operating as part of the business?
  • How experienced are the team? How is that experience being utilised within the team?

  • Does the team understand the regulatory requirements? Are they prioritising the wellbeing of your business and your members. 



Forewarned is Forearmed! Come Ask Us These Questions And See How We Answer

Now your existing batch of questions from the last blog has been beefed up, it is time to put them into practice. And why not start with us here at Ashbourne?

Ashbourne provides a service that goes far beyond just the collection of direct debits and some rudimentary software. If you go with Ashbourne, the team at your service know that there’s a lot more to managing a great gym or fitness club than simply collecting payments on time.

Hopefully we have given you an idea of what to look out for, approach our team and book a demo and we can continue what we have started  here on this blog today.

If any of the questions and concerns we have covered resonate with you, then we might be the company for you.

If you want to simply talk about how we could help your club, or see the specifics we can offer, please do not hesitate to reach out and one of our team will talk you through how we can help take your club to the next level.

5 Questions You Need To Ask About Your Membership Payment Collection

money and calculator

5 Questions You Need To Ask About Your Membership Payment Collection

When looking for a company to manage your Direct Debits, it’s important to do your research and find the one which is going to work best for you and make the perfect partnership. Here are some key questions to get your discussion going and compare different providers with one another. In addition, we’ve added some follow-up and related questions. As this series of blogs goes on, we may expand some of these questions into full articles.

Furthermore, we’ve highlighted one follow-up question we deemed to be particularly important when you are considering your checklist of questions for any potential membership payment management collection company.

1. How can I sign up customers?

The importance of this question cannot be overstated and as such we’ve placed it first on our list of must-ask questions when it comes to looking for a company to manage your Direct Debits.

Signing up customers to your gym’s payment scheme is one of the most important steps of the entire process and in this age of automated, easy access gyms it is important that the process be as streamlined as possible.

Streamlined not just for the customer but for you, the owner. Neither side wants to be dealing with tedious forms or complex websites when a customer is trying to sign up to a new gym. This is where your initial research will be vital. It can be complex to disentangle yourself from a Direct Debit management company that isn’t well suited to you and/or your customers.

Most reputable companies will offer some form of demonstration for the service they are providing, and we would recommend noting down any of these questions that you feel might be pertinent to your concerns. In relation to this question, it is important that you are able to visualise the process slotting into the current structure of your gym. Or, alternatively, that the new structure it will usher into your Gym will be an improvement.

If during the demonstration you are starting to imagine the work-arounds and hardships that a system will bring when it comes up signing up new customers and gym members to your gym, it probably isn’t the system for you.

From the sign-up stage and through the entire lifespan of their member, the relationship with a Direct Debit Management Company  has to be one that benefits you, your gym and your customers.

As such, we recommend looking for modern, hands-off, time saving measures that the company offers.

Paper free sign-up is a big one to be looking for. In this age of instant communication, there are few reasons to be shackling your customers to a physical form. With the rise of fully automated gyms, many customers simply do not have the appetite for anything as involved as a pen and paper.

Think about the space you have. How will the sign-up be occurring? On your customer’s personal phone? On an iPad or tablet presented to them by a member of your Gym’s staff? On a static computer at a reception desk? Or on a laptop balanced on the top of a Shoulder Press machine?

Make sure that the services that they provide will work for your area. If you only have enough room for mobile or tablet sign-up, then making sure they have a mobile system that allows you to do 100% of the sign-up becomes even more important. 

It is also important to note the market has shifted, members are much more likely these days to sign-up to a gym online before they have even set foot in the premises. This represents new opportunities and it is important not to get left behind. 

To conclude this section, your sign-up system should never feel like it is impeding your customer or your business. Sometimes the bureaucracy of signing up can feel like a necessary evil, but it is quite an unnecessary one in 2021. As we have covered, by doing your research you can ensure that the sign-up system will work for you and your customers, integrating them into your gym’s payment system as quickly as possible, with minimal administration on your side.

Follow-up questions to consider: 

  • How many different methods are there for customer sign-up?
  • How long does the sign-up process take?
  • Where can it be done?
  • What tools can be used to sign-up? (Phone, computer, tablet, static terminal). Does your gym have those available. How will it fit in with your existing structure?

  • How does sign-up work for additional services?

2. How do I submit payments? Can This be Automated?

Submitting payments has never been easier and as such there is no reason to accept anything less than the smoothest operation when it comes to the payment collection company you use.

By looking for a company that uses direct debit collections, you are already eliminating many of the hassles associated with collecting and submitting payments. Not only is this system paper free and admin-light, it is also ripe for numerous strives towards automation, in the right hands!

By hiring a company to handle your direct debit payments, the question of how you submit a payment will become a thing of the past. With the right company, you will be in full control with only a minimal time investment. This will allow you to choose increases and decreases, payment periods, membership categories and more.

Payments will be taken by direct debit directly from your members bank account by the direct debit company, held in a secure, liminal account, ready to be paid into your account. But not before it has gone through rigorous data capture, for both security and feedback.

Which leads us effortlessly onto our next question.

3. What reporting do you provide so I can track payments?

It is the year 2021 and Data is King. The days of knowing roughly what is going into your accounts are over. 

With the right direct debit payment management company, you’ll be able to take your gym’s data outputs to the next level. As we hinted at in the previous, the focus on data capture has never been more pronounced, more automatic or more automated.

This means several things for your business. It means that services that used to require significant human labour have drastically reduced in costs. This has opened up powerful reporting operations for very low charges, providing the company you link up with is ahead of the curve (excuse the graph pun). 

Detailed reporting power when it comes to your cash flow has many benefits that go well beyond just the monthly pay. It will allow you to examine trends in your business, breaking down important aspects of the customer journey and potential pitfalls that are losing your members. 

In addition, all that data comes in very handy when it is time to satisfy the regulators. The chances of you finding yourself with the 10pm coffee, ready to crunch numbers into the night, dramatically reduces. 

Finally it will give you security, the ability to more confidently manage your business in the present and in charting out the future. When the span of data becomes years, you will be able to build a firmer picture of your business. Invaluable when it comes to creating strategies for the improvement and growth of your business.

Follow-up questions to consider: 

  • How are these reports delivered?
  • Are direct debit payment reports generated automatically? 
  • Will there be an obstacle to seamless reporting? Mis-aligned Data that will require monthly or weekly human intervention?
  • What software do they use?
  • Do they use their own software? Will it be easy for you to learn? Will you be able to transfer it if your business with the company ever comes to an end?

  • Is their data usable in existing common systems Excel? SQL? Google Sheets?
  • Are you comfortable using the software and data formats that they use?
  • Can you integrate these new reports with your old reports to fully map your data?


4. Is it possible to integrate your system with my accounts?

This question should be firmly on your notepad or desktop post-it notes as you consider the company you want to manage your direct debit payment management. 

As we discussed earlier, the year is 2021 and there is no need to generate more hassle than necessary. Any direct debit payment management company worth its salt will be able to seamlessly integrate their operation with your existing account structure (providing you don’t do all your work on Typewriter or Windows 95). 

This question should be near the top of your list (as it is near the top of our list) and you shouldn’t accept anything less than ease of access, ease of use and a concerted focus on integration during setup. 

Any decent direct debit payment management company will have their focus on reducing your administration workload and one of the easiest ways to manage this is by starting your relationship with them correctly.

Ask questions that will help you understand how their operation works, how they handle data and money, and how that can potentially merge with your own, existing accounts infrastructure. 

The way a prospective payment management company responds to this question (and the others) will give you a good idea of how your relationship with them could pan out. If they are versatile, flexible and professional, they will have no trouble adapting to even the most rudimentary or bespoke accounting system that you may have in place. 

Conversely, if their head isn’t in the game, you might quickly find yourself having to deal with more issues than they are solving for you. This is why it is vital to ask pertinent questions up front when you are scoping out the type of company. 

Follow-up questions to consider: 

  • Is the company going to be able to deliver or present the accounting data in a format that works for your existing operation?
  • Will reporting be automatic or will there be a manual exchange of e-mail every month. Does this increase expense or the capacity for human error?

  • What file types do they use?

5. How much do you charge per collection?

This simple question should have a simple answer for each company you approach. But the answer should have large implications to whether or not the company in question is the direct debit payment management company for you.

However, most companies will be slightly different in how they run their payment collection operation. Here we will cover several models that companies in the industry are currently using, discussing their benefits and their detriments.

Some will charge per month for a set number of users. This can be useful if your business is at capacity, or you have a solid idea of the amount of people you want using your business every month. 

This can be simple, but it is imprecise. It might feel effective and intuitive to say ‘My business has under 100 members’ and therefore select the package based on that. But this can present a real challenge for growth, even in the smallest metrics. If your business suddenly goes from 100 members to 101 you might find yourself negotiating in a high tier bracket that completely wipes out the gain of that single member. 

Not to mention all the hassle of renegotiating and maybe not even being able to sign them up. What started off as a simple time-saver could easily become a shackle and a burden to you and your business.

Some will go even more abstract, charging different packages based on a ‘business size’. This has advantages, you could find yourself in a favourable bracket. But it is a double-edged sword and you could find yourself just on the cusp of the next tier up and suddenly your fees will double.

In our opinion, precision is key for any fair business dealing and this logic definitely extends to a company managing your payments. 

A popular model will charge per transaction and this can be useful when growing a business. This method is closer to the ground in terms of representing value.

It has an added bonus of being incredibly flexible. That situation we outlined above where a business went from 100 to 101 members and suffered for it? Under this model that situation would be of no concern whatsoever. 

This situation can be reversed as well, to further show the versatility. Say that same gym from before goes back below 100. There is now a choice of paying well above the service level you are receiving or once again going down.

Given the Covid-19 pandemic that we are still feeling the effects of, you can understand why this system can sometimes generate more problems than it aims to fix. 

Therefore, as you can hopefully see, the real benefit of charge per transaction system is it keeps all costs firmly linked to profits. Keeping your business model as lean as possible, ensuring there are no excess profits being lost. 

Follow-up questions to consider: 

  • Ask about different types of collection. One-off payments for day passes might be processed differently?
  • Consider asking whether the system could also be used to integrate classes, personal trainers and other add-ons. The potential costs of these features and the potential time benefits they might bring?
  • If the system is per transaction, ask about broader fees. Setup, processing fees?

5 More Questions to Ask


If you still have questions you want answered, we’ve put out another five questions that Gym and Fitness Club owners need to be asking when they approach Membership Payment Management Companies.

Follow this link for more questions to add to your checklist, or look below for information regarding booking a demo or talking to a member of our team!



Unlike other direct debit payment management companies. The services that Ashbourne provides isn’t just some basic software and the ability to collect your direct debits. No, the team at Ashbourne knows that there’s a lot more to managing a successful club than simply collecting payments.

Now that we have armed you with the pertinent questions for navigating the world of payment management companies, we want you to come and ask them to our customer team.

If any of the questions and concerns we have covered resonate with you, then we might be the company for you.

If you want to chat about what we offer, or simply run through how we can help your particular health club, then get in touch with us and our team will contact you to talk things through.


Direct Debits Can Save Your Health Club Time And Money


An Introduction to Direct Debits 

Direct Debit Payments are a crux of modern living for the majority of consumers and businesses. As a method of payment it is only going from strength to strength. It has even found itself firmly in the Cambridge Dictionary and the Collins Dictionary! According to a broad study from 2017, at the time it was revealed that 9 out of 10 people in the UK with a bank account had at least one Direct Debit. In addition, over a third of combined households were totalling over 6 Direct Debit payments.

What we are trying to say is that this isn’t something that will scare customers away. The Direct Debit is an ingrained and accepted part of everyday life for most consumers. Direct Debits are something that many younger (Or tech-savvy older!) consumers will be able to manage and manipulate on their phone with ease. 

As such, it is a system and methodology to be embraced and we are here to lay out the reasons why Direct Debits will help make life easier for your business and your customer. 

Here is a list of just some of the points we will be covering today.

  • How a direct debit can help reduce the running costs of your business
  • How a direct debit will increase membership retention and customer satisfaction 
  • How a direct debit will give you give you more control over your business 
  • How a direct debit gives you the freedom and flexibility to make price changes with ease
  • How a direct debit contributes to an easier administrative load with reduced admin costs
  • How a direct debit system will integrate and enhance the potential (or continued) automation process of your gym.

Quite a hefty list, can we back it up? Be assured that with over 25 years of handling payment management within the fitness industry, we hope to convince you swiftly that we know our stuff.


Treadmill in spacious gym

1. Direct Debit lets you increase fees when you need to


Flexibility has always been key to surviving in any business. But with the advent of digital technology, agile work methodology and ever more competitive business practices, it matters now more than ever.

How could this relate to direct debit payments? Well the clue is in the section title. 

The price of any given service will always be subject to flux, whether it is due to external factors such as Covid-19 or currency, or internal factors such as the renovations on a gym or increased membership. With other, more archaic payment systems, keeping track of who is paying what could be a significant challenge. Let alone attempting to instigate any sort of mass increase in member fees. 

If you take the relative of the direct debit, the standing order for instance. This would require the customer to cancel their existing standing orders and create a brand new one in it’s place. Often this cannot be done as simply as a direct debit on a mobile phone and even if it could, it is still an inconvenience. And a dangerous one at that. 

The last thing you want is for a customer to have to cancel a standing order and have to do tedious admin whilst suffering the indignity of an increase in fee.

Safe to say that all of this can create hassle for your customers, it could cause delays or even lead to your customers letting their membership lapse. 

With the direct debit this ceases to be an issue at all. You are able to monitor, review and most importantly, change the amount you are collecting without needing any input from your members.

This flexibility can bring a lot of new options into the picture. Given our recent experiences in the Covid-19 pandemic, the direct debit proved its strength as a format that could be quickly amended, paused or continued. In unprecedented times it is all the more necessary to have an adaptable, reliable system in place.


2. Direct Debit reduces administrative load and it gives your business more control

The administrative load associated with more traditional methods of membership payment collection are daunting to say the least. Cash, cheques, standing orders. If you are collecting a combination of these then it can quickly add up to long nights of tedious reconciliation activity.

But how could the direct debit ever compete as an alternative to cash or currency? That tried and tested method since Mesopotamian shekel? Well, it might’ve taken 5,000 years but we think we have an alternative. 

With direct debits, unlike standing orders, they can be easily and effortlessly set up on a computer terminal, phone or tablet. 

This means that it is as easy to whip out a portable electronic device and arrange the bank as it would be to say, hand over £10 (or Mesopotamian shekels if you are feeling nostalgic). 

In many cases this might be easier. A lot of modern sports equipment (running bands, gym shorts, etc) is being outfitted with a place to hold your debit card or credit card securely. But the same isn’t to be said for cash, which is obviously bulkier and impossible to recover if lost.

As such, the direct debit is a natural fit for the transforming habits of most gym-goers.

Sounds pretty good? Well, as an added bonus, you’ll receive an added layer of control and data feedback regarding what has been paid and what is due to be paid. This is something you don’t get with standing orders.

With direct debits, you will be aware as soon as one has been cancelled, even if it isn’t pay-day. This is due to the nature of the direct debit (as discussed in security and regulations). It isn’t like a standing order, which exists only as an instruction on a given day.

The benefits that this can afford you are numerous. It can allow you to react quickly to a cancellation, perhaps even contacting the member in question to understand what has occurred. It also has the very tangible benefit of allowing you to understand how much money can be expected from your members in real time. Invaluable.

It is no surprise that changing from Standing Orders and Cash to direct debit can be like switching on a flashlight for many gym and club owners. We have had it stated that it is like being fully in control for the first time. 

Which makes sense when you consider that a drabble of cash and standing orders that need to be painstakingly reconciled and catalogued at the end of each month would cause massive admin costs and consistency issues.

Which brings us effortlessly onto our next point.

man looking at computer drinking coffee

3. Direct Debits can reduce administration costs 

It may seem like a no brainer with the reduction of administration load but we think this deserves its own section.

The amount of wage saved in the potential reconciliation of cash, cheque and standing order could be massive, especially to a small business. It used to be taken as a given that any physical business would invariably have to deal with multiple streams of income in different formats. But as we move forward into the digital age, this is becoming less and less likely. 

Imagine replacing all of that costly counting with a single tablet. That counts as your sign-up, your monthly fee and also covers any potential increases in fee, decreases in fee, fee pausing or cancellation?

All of these actions would have required additional admin, in addition to the monthly admin just to make sure that your books are fully reconciled!

And with human reconciliation comes the inevitable human error, which will only lead to more admin. With the direct debit, the cash flow is automatic, regular, easily recorded and instant. 

In addition, full integration of a direct debit system into a club management system can reduce administration costs even further if you use it to tackle the actual membership and entry to your club. With digital technologies it has never been easier to seamlessly integrate membership and payment, rather than having to track them on two disparate systems.

And finally, it will also make your year to year easier. No longer will you have to go to 1 of 18 spreadsheets. No longer will you be forced to painstakingly recheck your hand-written notes from 10 months ago to make sure you didn’t misread something.

It is incredible what a powerful effect such a simple tool can have. All the more important to state the impact that a direct debit can have on a gym or fitness club.


4. How Direct Debits can greatly assist your Regulatory Compliance and Payment Security 


Regulations are never fun but that doesn’t mean they aren’t extremely necessary. Mercifully, with direct debits you can cross out tedious from that list of attributes.

As we tried to stress in the introductory paragraphs, the direct debit is an industry standard and as such it is not only fully compliant (vital) but incredibly secure. 

It is covered diligently and thoroughly  by the FCA (the Financial Conduct Authority, the UK government regulator for financial transaction). The FCA covered direct debits in a piece of regulatory mandating known as the Payment Services Regulations directive. We won’t bore you with anything further than that but it is safe to say that this affords the direct debit a large degree of security and compliance that is unmatched.

Once it is confirmed that the chosen billing provider is FCA accredited, you can have the utmost confidence that the transactions and membership fees that occur will be compliant, trusted and most importantly, safe for your customer and your business. 


5. Get more from your data and make the data work for you


The data outputs from a traditional gym membership payment system can be, lacking to say the least. Unless it was set up by someone of extraordinary vision it will most likely have fallen to place naturally as memberships are received by cash, cheque and standing order as and when applicable. 

This ad hoc process, while perfectly acceptable, isn’t winning any awards for innovation. At best the data will have to be collected and processed into a usable format. At worst? Well, it won’t be, and the business will be stumbling around in the dark like we discussed during Point 2. 

With a direct debit system, the data outputs and reporting capabilities are digital, immediate and powerful. With the right systems and support, the versatile data that it will generate naturally will allow you to see a business from angles previously inconceivable. 

This will allow you to understand what is happening in your business, whether it be in a given hour or over the span of years, with hitherto unknown speed. 

You will be able to make and generate reports to keep others in the loop, allowing you to develop specific areas and quickly inform others of the needs of the business.


6. Customer Service


And finally, and perhaps most importantly. The customer, your members, will also receive significant benefits from this system. We have covered some of these previously, but they will bear repeating together for a true picture of how this change could benefit every aspect of a business.

The effects will be tangible and instant and include:

The ease of signing up to a direct debit when they first enter your fitness club or gym will be immediately noticeable to them. No longer having to worry about bringing cash per session, or the lengthy process of setting up a standing order.

The efficiency of changing members fees will not go unappreciated. No member relishes paying their fee, let alone paying an increased fee. So adding on the unnecessary and tedious bureaucratic hassle of making them update their own increased payment won’t always go down well. Remove the issue and make the unfortunate news of a price increase all the more palatable with clear, professional communication and the reassurance that no action is required from them. 

Furthermore, if your gym introduces tiered systems, it will allow customers to easily upgrade to the next tier or section. If your gym or fitness club opens up additional classes, it will be no bother for them to quickly up their fee for the additional services you are offering.

The reassurance of security you will be able to give to your members will not go unappreciated. And the clear paper-trail, compliant regulated practices and easy trouble-shooting of any issues will be an extra feather in any businesses cap compared to the labyrinthine processes of yesteryear. 

And finally, your members just get to spend less time thinking about money and payment and more time thinking about the gym. Ideally you want your club members thinking as little as possible about their payments. A direct debit lets their membership payment become part of the background flow of the month for both of you. Allowing you both to focus on the service that is being provided. 



Ashbourne Membership Management has been growing over 25 years to handle every single aspect of club management. From direct debits to website maintenance and handling your energy bar sales – Ashbourne handles it all.

When it comes to Direct Debits, we can drastically reduce your admin and free up your staff in 5 simple steps:

  • We provide you our software to track all your members
  • We provide you with direct debit guarantees and set them up
  • We set up your direct debits
  • We handle all contact between your members and their payments
  • We handle all debt collection for any defaulted payments

If you want to take a look at what your club could be with a system in place for direct debit collection, then we can give you a completely free demo and consultation, simply to run through the process, our systems and answer any questions you might have.

Simply book a free demo with us and let us show you the future of your gym.


Free Email Template: Keep Your Members Paying While Your Club Is Closed

sending email to prospects

With the continued closure of gyms and health clubs in the UK and Ireland, we want you to be sure how you can communicate effectively with your members to make sure you keep as many direct debits open and ensure payments are frozen rather than cancelled.

Unlike other club managers, we’ve been very proactive in making sure that regardless of the situation, you don’t lose a member outright, so we want you to be on top of communicating with your members about any potential gym closures, with us playing a supportive role.

How you keep on top of this is simple…

You can send emails from your CRM of choice, or if you’re an Ashbourne customer you can use your BI dashboard. If you click here you can find a full tutorial on how to send emails to your members using the BI dashboard.


Keep Your Members Paying With A Single Email

We know that every facility is different and as such we have created a few different options you can present to your members to either keep them paying their membership or keep them on hold.

We have provided this option to thousands of gyms and it is an amazingly effective way of clearly communicating with your members, being upfront and preventing hasty cancellations.


Here is our email template to send your members, complete with the 3 payment options


Hello (Gym Member),

As you are aware, our gym has been closed due to the COVID-19 shutdown. As a valued member, we want to make handling your membership as easy as possible, which is why we are sending you 3 simple options for what you want us to do with your membership while our facility is closed.


Please select one of the options below and respond to this email and we will action your choice straight away.


Option 1

You want us to continue your direct debit payments. This requires no action on your part. We’ll continue to take your regular payments and  provide online support and any other support that you need from us during this period.

Option 2

You want to freeze your account for the duration of the shutdown. We will stop taking your monthly payments and will restart them once shutdown ends. We’ll also give you a free month for the time that you’ve already paid for.

Option 3

You want to pay 50% for the duration of the shutdown. This will make sure your membership remains open and continues to help support the club during lockdown, even if you can’t afford to pay your entire membership.


Please respond to this email as early as you can so we can make sure your membership is handled to your preferences ASAP.

Kind regards,

(Gym Name)


Make Communicating With Your Members Easy With Ashbourne

We’ve been working closely with gyms all across the UK and Ireland to manage their members and help keep their businesses thriving during lockdown.

Unlike many club managers, we’ve stayed open and active, allowing our clubs to keep taking members payments and keep money coming through the door, even while their businesses have been closed.

If you want to keep your business thriving during lockdown and beyond, then don’t hesitate to get in touch for a full consultation and let’s discuss how we can keep your health club’s future bright.

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