How can my club website help grow my gym business?

It’s a question that many gym and club owners ask because at first, your gym website doesn’t seem like an important part of your marketing or service.

Too many club owners, their club website is nothing more than an online billboard. It’s a place where your customers can google your club and set up their gym membership.

But many health club owners not only severely underestimate the importance of their club website but also are fundamentally out of touch about the level of service that the modern club member expects from their gym and their gym website.

In this short guide, we’ll break down the 5 key ways that your club website can be your ultimate tool to not only growing your members but also retaining those memberships as well.


Your Club Website Is Your Best Marketing Tool

welcome customer signWhether you’re talking about your club on your social media, pamphlets, billboards, radio ads, word of mouth or however else you market your business, you’re more than likely going to direct people to your club website.

You might think that these adverts and social posts themselves are your best marketing tool, but your real secret is your club website itself.

If you look at the numbers for any business, the story they tell is very clear…and we’re going to look at 3 numbers in particular.

  • View rate – the number of people who hear about your gym through an ad
  • Click rate – the number of people who engage with your gym’s ad and head to your club website
  • Conversion rate – the number of people who sign up for your gym from your club website

These are the basics of the journey that every one of your club members will take before they become a member. The aim is to get someone through each of those stages and then… you have a customer, congratulations!

But sadly, the “View” rate, to the “Click” rate and onto the “Conversion” rate drops significantly with every step. It’s a fact of life that hundreds of times the number of people will see an ad or hear about your club than will actually end up signing up as a member to your health club or gym.

That’s why your website is so important.

It doesn’t matter how good your ad or social post or reputation is.

Inevitably, a majority of your potential members are going to end up heading to your club website and if that club website doesn’t impress and get people to that “Conversion” stage, then it was all for nothing.

Your club website matters and that’s because…


Your Club Website Is Your First Contact

hand reach outA website can tell your customer a lot about your business.

And more people than ever are discovering local gyms using a gym’s own website, so your gym website needs to leave a great first impression as your initial contact.

People are judgmental, and when it comes to spending their money, customers are even more judgmental. Even a moment of hesitation where a customer isn’t sure about the quality of your club is a chance for you to lose a potential customer.

So much like how you would clean your house before a visitor comes over, make sure your website works well, is simple to use and easy to read. Make your customer’s journey from clicking your site to arranging their first visit is as simple as possible, so you make a great first impression.


Your Club Website Needs To Work On Everything

online devicesPeople use more devices than ever before, whether it’s their phones, laptop, desktop, tablet or even WiFi-enabled fridge, you need to be sure that your website works on everything.

In 2018, 58% of site visits were from mobile devices and mobile devices made up 42% of total time spent online.

The good news is that website developers know this and many CMS (Content Management Systems) and page builders allow you to optimise your website based on screen sizes, so you can always make a web page look great.

So before you even think of making a business website live, always log into it on a range of devices. You might be surprised by what needs fixing.


Your Club Website Will Affect Your Sign Ups

online digital marketingWe’ve already talked about the quality of your site reflects the quality of your gym, but your site’s quality when it comes to its presentation is only half the battle.

The fact of the matter is, more people than ever are signing up to their gyms using an online sign-up.

In just a few minutes and even fewer clicks, a member can have set up a direct debit, activated their account and already be on their way to using the club for the first time.

The more decisions you allow a member to make, the more chances they have to make the decision to leave your site and therefore, risk them never coming back again.

If you don’t have an online sign-up, that means that instead of a visitor becoming a member there and then, they have to come down to the gym and pay, during opening hours. That gives them a chance to forget for a few days, only be available on the day you’re closed or simply push the thought of exercising to the back of their mind after a hard week.

Giving your members the facilities to sign up for your gym there and then, within just a few clicks, is an amazing and simple way to get members on board faster, easier and most importantly, without you needing to do anything.

And the best part is, Ashbourne has already built this system and can implement it into your gym’s website.


Your Club Website Is Now A Service

In the days of old, customers would simply use your club website to see what services you offer, make a payment and possibly book their first visit.

Now, before even entering the gym, customers want to track their progress, book their classes, change their account details, check any updates and maybe even schedule a personal training session…

The point is, your website isn’t just a place to learn about your gym, it’s an online hub that is part of your service.

Think of your website as an extension of your gym. It’s fundamental to what we offer at Ashbourne, centralising every aspect of your gym to your website, so your members can use their entire gym membership from one area.


Ashbourne Helps Build A Better Club Website Experience

jogger running sunsetAshbourne Membership Management is focused on helping health clubs and gyms grow their business by simplifying every aspect of club management.

From marketing your club, running promotions, handling member’s payments and tracking their fitness; Ashbourne is the all in one club membership management tool that helps you manage your club, so you can focus on helping your members get the most they can from their health club.

If you enjoyed this blog and want to know more about how Ashbourne can help you manage your health club, gym, leisure centre, yoga studio or MMA classes, then contact us here and let one of our team help you discover your perfect club management package.

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