Part Two: How Independent Gyms Can Effectively Combat Pass-Sharing Members and Why Does It Occur?

Part Two: How Independent Gyms Can Effectively Combat Pass-Sharing Members and Why Does It Occur?

What conditions allow for Pass-Sharing to occur at an independent gym or fitness club?

In our second article on Pass-Sharing, we will be taking a deep dive into not only the ‘Why’ behind the phenomena, but what circumstances and factors we have seen in independent gyms and fitness clubs that make Pass-Sharing and Pin-Sharing more likely to occur in certain facilities.

As we stated in the first article in this series, we are as concerned about identifying when it is happening, and that requires a comprehensive knowledge of why Pass-Sharing is more likely to occur in certain independent gyms and fitness clubs. 

Here at Ashbourne we are keen to take a data-driven and thorough approach to these issues. Our background in advanced membership management software means we are often able to detect instances of Pass-Sharing that more rudimentary systems might overlook.

So, it is time for our deep dive into some of the whys we have experienced over our twenty-five years in the fitness industry when it comes to Pass-Sharing and Pin-Sharing.

Why Does Pass-Sharing Occur Within an Independent Gym or Fitness Club?

So why does Pass-Sharing and Pin-Sharing occur?

As with any consistent issue within an industry, it is a question with many answers. It can occur within two different gyms for two essentially different reasons. It can even occur within the same gym for two different reasons. But irrespective of the cause, the outcome is always the same. A loss in potential revenue, security and customer satisfaction. 

So it becomes more important to identify and address these issues early on.

Independent Gyms and the danger of Unmanned/24 Hours Gyms for Pass-Sharing

The rise of the 24/7 gym was revolutionary for the fitness industry, allowing access for a whole different demographic and pattern of consumer. But as we have covered elsewhere, this rise has not been entirely without issue.

The rise of unmanned independent gyms has led to a spike in Pass-Sharing and the reasons should be fairly apparent. When an independent gym or fitness club that uses either passes or pins attempts to go into an unmanned, 24 hours (or both) model without the necessary infrastructure in place, Pass-Sharing is likely to occur soon after.  

Many independent gyms and fitness clubs have attempted to follow the path of the corporate budget-chains and their glass and steel, unmanned 24 hour juggernauts. Many have found success, but others have found pitfalls along the way.

Long-time readers will know that we covered some of these pitfalls in 2022 and 2023 when the energy crisis started to put a dent in the myth of invincibility that had surrounded this model. But with that being said, independent gyms in the correct area, taking the right measures and with the right clients can expect great success from this model.

But if it is implemented too hastily, an unmanned independent gym can witness a spike or even an epidemic of Pass-Sharing. All it takes is one member to realise that they can share their pass and face no repercussions (which become increasingly unlikely with an unmanned facility) and word of mouth will start to spread. 

Unsurprisingly this can represent a significant danger for any independent gym that tries to make the jump to unmanned and/or 24/7s without the right system. It can be a significant blow to morale, reputation and finances all at once.

If an unmanned gym is using a rudimentary membership access device such as a key fob or membership card, adopting an unmanned system can be a risk. Members will quickly notice if the gym or fitness club that they are going to has no discernable way to track who is using the card or fob to access the gym and many may start utilising this in the incorrect way. 

But it isn’t all negative. Unmanned, of course, does not mean unmonitored. We will build upon the solutions for unmanned independent gyms and fitness clubs in our next article, but save to say many independent gyms have made this system work safely and securely. 

Credit card, man smile and payment at gym for fitness membership or exercise subscription. Fintech .

Pass-Sharing as a problem for new (or relatively new) gyms and fitness clubs

Another very common cause of Pass-Sharing is if an independent gym or fitness club is new or relatively new. There are all sorts of reasons that could be contained within this sub-section. It could be that the proper procedures have yet to be put in place, the initial membership pass system is rudimentary or insecure, or just certain security features getting lost in the hectic shuffle of opening a new gym.

We have helped hundreds of independent gyms through their tumultuous starting phase and so we know what to look for and how to prevent these issues. Opening a new gym is a complex endeavour, with dozens of issues to tackle during the first weeks and months. 

And it is very reasonable that a management team might lose track of some issues. Opening is a busy time, and there are all sorts of pressing matters, whether it is the opening push for marketing, forging and testing a brand identity, or training and equipment. From brand identity and marketing through to equipment, staff and training.

With all that going on, we think it is fair that we have noticed a trend amongst new gym owners. There is often a moment in the opening year when management realise that despite all their great work, some members have slipped through the gaps. 

Luckily these teething problems are easy to address, and we will be looking into it in great detail in the next articles. 

How undeveloped, simplistic systems and neglect can contribute to Pass-Sharing

Our final reason in this article is, mercifully, not the most common cause. But it is certainly the one that indicates the most dire situation for an independent gym. Unfortunately, Pass-Sharing is often just associated with plain neglect, whether it is from a management, systems or staff perspective. 

It is a well-attested pattern that if morale is low and the members can sense it, Pass-Sharing will increase. Members will only value a club as much as they feel the club values itself, and we have often found that clubs that have either been neglected or are going through a period of decline will see this issue compounded by Pass-Sharing. 

If this happens, it is important that the independent gym or club in question sharpens up their act quickly. Either by introducing new systems which can sufficiently address the problem and by increasing the sense of respectability and care within the facility. If the members can be reminded that the facility is a place deserving of respect, the rules are much more likely to be abided. 

We know from past experience that it is a hard task to reverse this negative momentum, but with the right attitude and application of staff and procedure, we have helped many independent gyms and fitness clubs turn it around.

We can help...

And if you are an independent gym or fitness club owner and you want to inject your gym with the positive momentum of new technologies, software and procedures, you might be in the right place.

Over the last twenty five years we have helped hundreds of independent gyms either reverse negative momentum or to take their operations to the next level. Whether it is using advanced biometrics to stamp out Pass-Sharing or implementing software that can transform how a gym handles data and feedback systems, we are committed to helping our partners get the most out of their facilities. If you are interested in seeing what Ashbourne can do for you, click here and talk to our highly skilled demonstration team today.

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Get your club in shape.

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Get your club in shape.

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Part One: How Independent Gyms Can Effectively Combat Pass-Sharing Members

Part One: How Independent Gyms Can Effectively Combat Pass-Sharing Members

Here at Ashbourne Membership Management, we pride ourselves in the expertise and knowledge that goes into our blogs and today’s topic, Pass Sharing, is no exception.

Over our twenty five years in the fitness industry, we have assisted hundreds of gyms in combating this common problem within the fitness industry. In this series of articles, we will be taking a look at the proven methods we have recommended and used to address this costly issue that can cause reputational and financial damage to any fitness facility. We have seen it affect every type of independent gym and fitness club, from large, established gyms to small, specialised clubs.

Pass-Sharing, sometimes called  ‘Pin-Sharing’ depending on the system of verification used by the fitness facility is a term many independent gyms and fitness club owners will already know.

This will be the first in a series of articles where we look at not only the solutions to this problem, but how independent gyms can start to identify whether it is occurring in the first place.

We have always advocated a data-driven approach as a way to combat many modern problems facing independent gyms and fitness clubs, and this issue is no exception. We will be leveraging our technical expertise within the fitness industry to help identify and deal with these contract-violating actions in a safe and efficient way. 

And that is exactly what we will be focusing on here, because without the approach data infrastructure, it can be incredibly challenging for an independent gym or fitness club’s management to ascertain if Pass-Sharing is even occurring

How an Independent Gym or Fitness Club can identify Pass-Sharing/Pin-Sharing

To many independent gym owners, Pass-Sharing is a known entity, but it is important we establish a working definition. 

Pass-Sharing (Also called Pin-Sharing or increasingly under the umbrella term ‘Access-Sharing’) are all terms given used to describe a series of contract-violating behaviours that paying members of a gym or fitness club can partake in. 

Access control is always an important issue for independent gyms and fitness clubs and Pass-Sharing highlights why it can be costly in more than one way to neglect the access solutions used in a fitness facility. 

The issue occurs when a gym’s member gives their ‘pass’ or ‘pin’ to one or more non-paying non-members. This can be shared either physically, for example giving them the key fob or card they would use to get through the access controls of the gym. Or it can be digital, sharing the method of access, for example a QR code, on their phone.

No matter whether digital or physical, the end result is the same. These non-members will now find themselves with the same access to the independent gym or fitness club’s facility that a paying member would have. Not only without paying, but without signing a contract nor having agreed to any health and safety terms. 

While this constitutes a significant violation of the membership terms of nearly every gym or fitness club we are aware of, it can be a prevalent and pertinent problem if an independent gym hasn’t invested appropriately in its security and access control infrastructure.

Not only that, if news of Pass-Sharing reaches the general, paying membership, it can represent a significant loss in reputation, morale and trust for the facility in question. 

If it is discovered a culture of Pass-Sharing/Pin-Sharing has become widespread and untreated, it can demoralise members, damage retention and eventually impact profits. More than that, it can signify a loss of control, respectability and perceived competence for the independent gym in question. 

Because of this Ashbourne has always taken Pass-Sharing as a high priority issue, not only to tackle if and when it is discovered, but also how to identify in the first place. Many independent gyms and fitness clubs we have worked with have had Pass-Sharing and Pin-Sharing occurring under their noses for a significant period of time. 

Which is why in our next article we will be looking at how data, staff, security equipment and access controls can all be utilised to identify Pass-Sharing at both an individual level and as a broader trend. 


But if you are an independent gym or fitness club owner or management and you are concerned that Pass-Sharing might be occurring within your facility, don’t just wait for the next article, contact us today! 

We have helped countless independent gyms understand and prevent their Pass-Sharing problems. With our state of the art access controls, biometric verification and data insight software, we can turn an intractable problem into an easy quandary to solve within a short timeframe.

Here at Ashbourne we are dedicated to giving our partner gyms and clubs the tools they need to make sure that their facility and members are safe and secure. Whether it is new access controls such as full-height turnstiles or advanced biometric scanners to all but eliminate Pass-Sharing overnight. We have something that will work for every gym. If you are interested in knowing more, please do not hesitate to contact our demonstration team here and we can start to understand how Ashbourne Membership Management can make your gym safer, more secure and all importantly, more profitable. 

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the goals you want to achieve, and how our system can help you.

Get your club in shape.

Want to discover how? Let us show you.

Simply select your preferred timeslot and we’ll be in touch to have a chat about your health club, the goals you want to achieve, and how our system can help you.

Get your club in shape.

Want to discover how? Let us show you.

Simply select your preferred timeslot and we’ll be in touch to have a chat about your health club, the goals you want to achieve, and how our system can help you.

Part Two: Understanding The Costs Of Opening An Independent Gym

Part Two: Understanding The Costs Of Opening An Independent Gym

Welcome, or welcome back, to the second article in our series focusing on the costs of opening an independent gym or fitness club. As per the last article, we will be using our wealth of experience within the fitness industry to look at everything from hidden costs to where savings can be found during this expensive process.

Last time we took a look at the recurring costs, as well as looking at how some purchases could be either a one-off or recurring cost, depending on the route taken. This time we will be moving focus onto the one-off costs themselves, with a deeper dive into how even these one-off opening costs can be mitigated or diffused. 

Here at Ashbourne, we’ve helped countless gyms and fitness clubs through difficult times and out the otherside. Take a look at our success stories for further proof of the impact we can have upon an independent gym or fitness club.

All that to say that we are keenly aware of the costs that any group or individual will be incurring in this venture. Our belief is to never recommend something just because it is the flashiest or the best marketed. We are committed to finding the value solutions that will put any aspirant gym or club owner on the best footing moving forward. 

One-Time/One-Off Costs

When starting an independent gym or club, the big one-off purchases can feel daunting. Monthly, Quarterly or Annual costs present their own problems but it is the immediacy of the one-time costs that your new gym or club can’t do without that will be daunting.

Many of these costs will become the foundation of your new business, the bedrock that your new independent gym or fitness club is built on. As such, it is important to get it right. 

Not every one of these items is going to be a silver bullet though, there is no guaranteed recipe for overnight success and we won’t pretend otherwise. But by getting the One-time costs right, you will be putting your new gym or club on the right footing. 

And in our experience, this is vital. The momentum from a new gym or club opening is a rare resource, and one that should be harnessed. First impressions matter as they say, and the one-off startup costs are going to be some of the largest factors in our new membership’s first impression of the new establishment. 


Day One - One-Time/One-Off Costs: Breakdown

For the purpose of this breakdown, we will be focusing on the broadstroke purchases that will apply to most gyms and fitness clubs. In a future article we will go into more specialised and specific types of club. 

As we said above, this is about first impressions. When those first early adopter members walk through the doors of your new gym or fitness club, they are going to be greeted with an image. And that image will inform a lot of what happens next.

Initial word of mouth can be a very positive force for a new independent gym or fitness club, irrespective of the location you are opening in. These initial one-off costs are the purchases you will be making to ensure that what your new members are seeing is not only going to satisfy the risk they took in trying a brand new gym or club, but that it is also going to make them spread the good word.

One-Time/One-Off Costs Checklist

*We will do a more detailed breakdown of opening insurances but in the meanwhile see our detailed article on independent gym and fitness club insurances here.
**As covered in the previous article, Gym Equipment was our example of a flexible One-Time/Recurring cost depending on payment structure.
***These can sound daunting, for more on this our demonstration team can help answer questions.

This is just the basic checklist, the full contents for various different gyms and fitness clubs will naturally vary. Which will be our focus in the next article.

So what are they going to see first? Well, there will be the front of the building and then the first sights that greet them at the door. A well-lit lobby or reception area does wonders. Obviously the commercial properties in the area/areas will impose certain limits, as will the amount of money that can be set aside for renovations and redecorating. 

And then, of course, there will be staff. The members of your team that will provide a vital part of the service and atmosphere. This section represents a significant number of the items on our list. Whether it is uniforms, recruitment costs, initial wages, training. In addition there may be certifications that are required.

After that comes the infrastructure they will use. This includes any digital systems, the physical computers, payment systems, operational access controls. 

Then there’s gym equipment. Your members expect treadmills, exercise bikes, running machines, free weights… Some of these can be leased. If you’re buying outright that’s another one-off cost to consider.

What else would you expect to see? Team members. They need to be hired and hiring costs money. And they need to be uniformed and uniforms cost money. Plus they need computer systems, payment systems, insurance, and maybe licences too.

All these things need to be paid for before you welcome in your first members. And can therefore be considered the up-front costs of opening your gym. That means you’ll need funding in place, whether it’s from investors, loans, or your own savings.

Next Time

Unsurprisingly, this brings us to the conclusion of this article. 

The checklist might appear daunting at first but many parts will start to fall into place. Especially with the right partners. While we will be focusing on the different requirements of various gyms and clubs next time, there is plenty that can be done in the meanwhile.

Here at Ashbourne, we are able to help with large swathes of the above checklist, especially when it comes to membership management software, access controls and equipment. We have helped countless new and established independent gyms and fitness clubs create systems that function effortlessly and just as importantly, will last. 

So whether you are thinking of setting up a new gym or club or in the process, we want to hear from you. Our professional and trained demonstration team is ready and able to help any gym owner or aspirational gym owner get their fitness facility up and running in no time! If we have piqued your interest, click here to find out more. 

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the goals you want to achieve, and how our system can help you.

Get your club in shape.

Want to discover how? Let us show you.

Simply select your preferred timeslot and we’ll be in touch to have a chat about your health club, the goals you want to achieve, and how our system can help you.

Get your club in shape.

Want to discover how? Let us show you.

Simply select your preferred timeslot and we’ll be in touch to have a chat about your health club, the goals you want to achieve, and how our system can help you.

Part One: Understanding The Costs Of Opening An Independent Gym

Part One: Understanding The Costs Of Opening An Independent Gym

In today’s blog we will be looking at a question we have been asked a lot over our twenty five years of experience in the fitness industry. That being “What are the costs of opening an independent gym or fitness club?” It is a short question that leads to a lot of answers.

So today we will start looking into the main costs to expect, how these costs will vary depending on the size and type of the gym and much more. 

We will include distilled insights from many of the gym and club owners we have worked with over the years to ensure that any reader comes away better prepared if they embark upon their own gym venture. 

What will we cover in this article?

(you can also click to skip ahead!)


Budget is a term we are hearing everywhere at the moment, whether it comes from consumers seeking value for money or businesses trying to make their resources go a little further.  

Unfortunately the pressures of the general economy will feed into the setup cost of any independent gym or fitness club. However while it can feel like a time of risk, this can also mean it is a time of opportunity.

The last few years have seen a large shake-up across many industries, including the fitness industry. 

The core price of opening a gym or fitness club will vary significantly depending on the size of the facility, the area, scope, required expertise of employees and so much more. While we will get into more detailed figures either below or in another article, we can attest that unless you are inheriting an already functioning/functional operation, the sum will be substantial. 

Of course there are certain things that can reduce this price, or conversely, add to it. The difference between opening a purely independent gym and opening one that is part of a franchise (a difference we will cover). We will also overview the different type of costs, whether it is ongoing and expected costs, potential ‘shock’ costs and expenses that will only affect certain types of gyms. 

All this to say that if you are thinking of opening an independent or franchise gym or fitness club, financial depth is a significant asset. This article can make you aware of the potential pitfalls, but awareness isn’t worth a lot if the funds are not there to cover the expenses.

As such, we would always recommend a comprehensive idea of the risks and potential costs. A checklist can be invaluable for keeping track of these pitfalls (and is something we may cover in a later blog if the uptake is there). 

To be forewarned is to be forearmed, and here at Ashbourne we believe in supporting independent gym and fitness clubs however we can. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if there is something missing from the guide that you would like to see. 

hand writing on the budget planning

Recurring Costs

Recurring costs are some of the most important to factor in when starting a new independent gym or fitness club. These are the costs that it is important to get right. Because if not, it is going to be a pain felt every month, or every quarter or every year. And that will quickly mount up and sap momentum and money from the venture.

These costs are the ones that will be necessary to keep everything running smoothly. They are the sort of costs that neither your staff nor members will pay much attention to unless they are suddenly absent. Everyone expects functioning access controls and clean bathrooms but not many people spend time thinking about the maintenance personnel and their costs. 

Recurring Costs Checklist

*Equipment and other costs that are potentially either one-off or ongoing to be covered below and developed in a further article.
**Insurance covered at length elsewhere. Will be linked in a later article on Insurance.

This is the same when it comes to all aspects of gym membership management. It is a classic case of ‘if it is going right, people won’t notice you’ve done anything at all’. This is the curse and the blessing of providing service to members. They want a painless, sleek and professional gym membership where access control, entry verification and payments are all handled seamlessly. But if they have to stop and think about it, the chances are this service isn’t being provided.

As such, it is all the more important when establishing a new independent gym or fitness club to get these recurring costs correct. Any new members trying out  a new facility will quickly have their goodwill degraded if the fundamentals are not there. 

Members can be understanding during the initial setup of a gym, but if they sense that some core aspect of the operation is not working, that will be a significant blow to retention rates. 

Recurring Costs or One-Off Cost?

Inevitably there will be costs that can fall into either category, depending on the route taken and how the payment is structured. The one highlighted above is Gym Equipment. This is an area where there is a divide, some new gyms and clubs lease gym equipment initially to save on the upfront costs. This is a valid approach, opening a gym is cost intensive enough and there will be areas where it will be tempting to spread the costs. 

Of course, in turn, those leased machines will often turn out to be more expensive than buying them outright. Even if by some combination of support and maintenance it ends up being a relatively favourable outcome, it will still represent a recurring cost instead of a one-time opening cost.  

At a certain point some of these decisions will become one of necessity. What can be afforded immediately, what cannot. As with any business, it will be about understanding what is a good investment and what is not. 

This is why planning and risk assessment is so vitally important before any large business venture. Understanding the lower and higher estimates of how much money is going to be coming in and where it will stand in relation to recurring costs and any potential loans or invested money. 

What Next?

In our next article we will be focusing on the one-off costs with another checklist to follow. As this series continues we hope to build up a comprehensive guide for any aspiring gym or fitness club owner to be able to reference during the process.

As you might have gathered, there is a lot to cover and we are in a good position to cover it.

Here at Ashbourne we’ve been working with independent gyms and fitness clubs, as well as small franchise gyms for over twenty five years. The above is just a small fraction of the expertise we have accumulated in that time. 

We have helped countless gyms and fitness clubs with everything from membership management, non-payment collection and direct debits to access control, marketing and website building. We believe we have something to offer every gym or club, whether you are recently established, still setting up or firmly entrenched in your local area. 

So if you are setting up a gym or fitness club, or have recently started one and are keen to know more, please don’t hesitate to contact our demo team here. They will be able to talk you through what Ashbourne can do to give your business the best start or take it to the next level. 

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the goals you want to achieve, and how our system can help you.

Get your club in shape.

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Simply select your preferred timeslot and we’ll be in touch to have a chat about your health club, the goals you want to achieve, and how our system can help you.

Get your club in shape.

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Simply select your preferred timeslot and we’ll be in touch to have a chat about your health club, the goals you want to achieve, and how our system can help you.

Part Three: Understanding the Next Generation and How to Appeal to Them – Generation Digital

Part Three: Understanding the Next Generation and How to Appeal to Them – Generation Digital

How Can Independent Gyms
Thrive in a New Era?

The fitness landscape is evolving, and independent gyms must keep pace with a generation that lives and breathes technology. Generation Z and Millennials, often called “Generation Digital,” are setting new standards for how they engage with fitness, and they bring with them unique expectations. 

To appeal and retain the loyalty of these tech-savvy, health-conscious individuals, independent gyms must understand their preferences and adapt accordingly. In the last two articles in this series we have covered the why, now we are going to move onto the how.

Here’s how independent gyms can shift focus in both subtle and significant ways to future proof their businesses and appeal to this new and distinct demographic. 

The Digital Divide: Understanding what appeals to
“Gen Z” and Millennials

There’s a stark contrast between Generation Z and older generations, driven by the rapid technological advances of the past few decades. Every generation is distinct from the ones that came before, but the leap from an analogue culture to a digital one has been profound and felt across nearly every business sector.

Younger people have grown up in a world where technology is not just a tool but an extension of their everyday lives. This shift has led to three primary expectations: technological sophistication, integration and efficiency. To put it another way, these digital natives expect services to be readily available, easy to access, and tech-friendly and they expect exactly the same of their gyms and fitness clubs. 

On-Demand and On-the-Go: Meeting Expectations

The preference for instant access and streamlined digital experiences is a defining characteristic of this generation. Independent gym owners should not be surprised to learn that if their website or app isn’t easily discoverable or user-friendly, potential members may just move on. Some will call it a poor attention span, but whatever the reason, these generations move on fast. 

Generation Z grew up with sleek, efficient digital platforms, and they expect nothing less from the businesses they engage with. An outdated website or the absence of a dedicated app can be a deal-breaker. If an independent gym can stand out with a highly integrated membership management system, intuitive and stylish apps and well-designed websites, they will already be standing out and making an impression in those vital seconds of the first impression. 

Fortunately, technology has never been more accessible for gym owners. Automated turnstiles, app-based class bookings, and integrated workout tracking are just a few examples of how gyms can streamline their services. These innovations not only make life easier for members but also allow staff to focus on providing the personalised, community-centred experience that these generations value and seek out. 

Beyond the Gym: Integrated Fitness Solutions

Class schedules, facility updates, events, and promotions should be at members’ fingertips—not buried in a hard-to-navigate website. To appeal to “Generation Digital,” gym owners need to extend their services beyond their physical premises. Virtual fitness solutions, mobile apps, and online engagement can help gyms stay relevant in the daily lives of their members, even when they’re not at the facility.

This is where independent gyms can significantly benefit from any service provider that allows them to fully integrate their operations. If there are barriers, or even worse, different accounts and procedures, laying between different parts of a gym’s service, this will be an off-putting experience that will affect retention.

This is a generation that is quick to notice the ‘digital cracks’ in an experience and will remember them when it comes to renewing and recommending an independent gym or fitness club.

A significant percentage of Gen Z and Millennials incorporate virtual fitness into their routines. This highlights an opportunity for independent gyms to expand their influence beyond the four walls of their facility. By providing virtual classes, instructional videos, and health resources, gyms can maintain a presence in their members’ lives no matter where they are.

Embracing the Hybrid Workout Culture

The rise of home workouts has shifted from a perceived threat to a genuine opportunity for independent gyms. In the past, it might have been seen as competition, but today, it is a chance for dynamic independent gyms to make it an extension of their fitness experience. Most gym-goers are not looking to replace the gym; they’re looking to enhance their fitness journey. Independent gyms can capitalise on this by offering virtual training sessions, at-home workout guides, and nutritional advice. By doing so, they position themselves as a comprehensive fitness resource.

Generation Digital has been raised on the subscription model, and they are comfortable paying for ongoing services that add value to their lives. By expanding their digital offerings, independent gyms can build a seamless blend of physical and virtual experiences that cater to these evolving expectations.

The Digital Fitness Advantage: Why It Matters

It’s clear that digital solutions are not just an add-on but a necessity. Digital guidance tools can enhance the effectiveness of home workouts, and virtual classes help reduce member attrition by providing flexibility. Independent gyms that fail to leverage these tools risk losing relevance with younger, tech-savvy members.

These are generations that are used to augmenting every aspect of their life through their smartphones, and an independent gym that can offer virtual classes, class-booking and home workout guidance via their app is going to be offering a retention boosting service to “Generation Digital”.

Active, Motivated, and Discerning: How to Appeal to a Generation that is Used to Choice

The stereotype of a “lazy generation” no longer holds true. A recent study shows that over 80% of regular exercisers now work out at least three times a week, with Gen Z leading the way. This generation is known for its commitment to health, as they engage in fitness activities not only to stay fit but also as part of a broader lifestyle choice. They are smoking less, drinking less, and choosing exercise as their “session” of choice, making them a prime audience for any fitness business.

These trends have deeper implications. Gen Z and Millennials have grown up amid warnings about obesity, smoking, and alcohol consumption. They are well-informed about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, and they actively seek out environments that promote wellness. Independent gyms that can align their services with these values—while also providing a welcoming, social space—will attract a loyal following of young, engaged members.

Our Final Thoughts: Adapting to a New Era of Fitness

Independent gyms have a tremendous opportunity to cater to the fitness-savvy, health-conscious, and digitally connected Generation Digital. By embracing technology, enhancing digital offerings, and building a hybrid model that supports both in-gym and at-home fitness, gyms can create a truly modern fitness experience. Those who adapt to these new standards will not only survive but thrive, becoming essential hubs of health and community for the next generation of fitness enthusiasts.

If you are an independent gym owner or manager who is interested in providing a sleeker, more integrated and efficient service to your members in the hopes of attracting and retaining younger members, look no further.

Here at Ashbourne Membership Management, we pride ourselves on being at the cutting edge and keeping our partner gym’s tech honed and ready for any challenge. Whether it is a bespoke app for your independent gym, advanced membership management systems or sleek website integration, our expertise help any gym appeal to the tech savvy demographics in no time.

Interested to know more? Then click here and then ‘request a demo’. Our professional and highly knowledgeable demonstration team has helped countless gym owners understand how to take their gym to the next level and the next generation. 

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Part Two: Understanding the Next Generation and How to Appeal to Them – The Younger Demographic

Part Two: Understanding the Next Generation and How to Appeal to Them – The Younger Demographic

Welcome, or welcome back to our series of articles looking into how independent gym and fitness club owners can better appeal to the younger generations, specifically those we’ve come to know as Generation Z and Millenials. 

In the last article we opened up the subject, talked about the fundamentals of appealing to these two younger generations and the relationship they have with both independent gyms and also larger corporate chains.

We also talked about why any gym or fitness club owner that doesn’t try to directly appeal to these generations and the specific market trends they respond well to, do so at their own peril. 

As we will cover, these generations now represent a significant chunk of the gym-going population and their prevalence and spending power will only increase in the years to come. The corporate, budget and national chains are well aware of this fact and know how to appeal. But as ever, independent gym and fitness club owners have some key advantages that they can leverage for success. 

And so today we will be looking at the how and why these generations have become the premier fitness focus in a way that hasn’t been seen before. 

Generation Gym: “Generation Active” and “Gym-Obsessed”

These generations were always going to be known as fitness-focused generations. Growing up surrounded by warnings about smoking, obesity, drinking, and being sedentary set the tone.

Even before the Covid-19 Pandemic, there were identifiable signs and trends. These generations were drinking less, smoking less, and they were interested in living better for longer.

After the pandemic, Covid-19, and the lockdowns, this trend has been supercharged and shows no sign of abating. 

Now this fitness-focused generation has lived through a significant event that will impact how many of them live their lives. 

Not only that, but many are shifting away from the home workouts that they did in their student accommodation and flats and into gyms and fitness clubs. 

In May this year, it was reported that the surge of Gen Z and Millennial members back into gyms and clubs had catapulted the number well beyond pre-pandemic levels. These generations are not just the future of the fitness industry, they are the present. 

These are generations that have consistently broken records when it comes to not drinking alcohol. Record-low uptake for smoking. And all that time and purchasing power has to go somewhere. For many of them, that somewhere is a gym or a fitness club. There is a large focus on ‘the third space’ for these generations, an area that is neither their place of work nor their home. They are intensely social generations and that sociality is not solely (or even mostly) based on drinking establishments as they were in the past.

Independent gyms and fitness clubs find themselves at a pivotal junction where, with the right approach and facilities, they can build their services into a core part of the Gen Z and Millennial lifestyle pattern. For those gyms and fitness clubs that can pull it off, it will be a very lucrative and stable part of the market to occupy. 

Why Aim for Generation Z and Millennials aka “Generation Gym”?

These observations aren’t new. As early as 2016 and 2017, around the time that the ‘oldest’ members of ‘Gen-Z’ were around 20 to 21, there were studies about the significant impact they were going to have in the fitness industry.

Obviously, these studies couldn’t have known about the seismic, economy-altering impact that the Pandemic would have only a few short years later. There is a compelling argument that the disruption of the lockdowns is one of the reasons that some gyms and clubs are out of sync with generational trends.  

But if it was predictable in 2017, at this point it is simply inevitable. As with any turning point in an industry, for the fitness industry, the numbers are quickly becoming undeniable. Between the Millennial generation and the comparatively new Gen Z, it was estimated there is, on average, at least 80% of the gym-going population.

And we say it was because that was a statistic from just before the pandemic. Four years on from that moment, the trend has only deepened. These generations have asserted themselves in the marketplace more and more. And their generational requirements will become more and more important for any independent gym or fitness club that wants to guarantee longevity in the fitness industry. 

Many independent gyms and fitness clubs we see are still trying to ‘play the game the old way’. Using techniques, whether it is for marketing, facility management or technology, that were firmly based on trends from the 2000s. This happens in a lot of industries and is to be expected. This sort of rubber-banding effect governs the ebb and flow of trends in many sectors, including the fitness industry. But it will be the independent gyms and fitness clubs that can get ahead of this rubber-banding effect that will see the most success in appealing to the younger generations.

We aren’t advocating complete abandonment of the tried and tested techniques. Many of them can either be adapted or kept wholesale. But it is important to understand, especially when it comes to areas influenced by digital technology such as membership management, access controls, and app support, that change will be vital and necessary. The fitness industry is a competitive and dynamic place and in our experience, no-one knows that better than independent gyms and fitness clubs.

Our objective in these articles is to help independent gym owners understand what techniques work best. Whether it is regarding the level of customer service these generations expect, the level of technological and software sophistication or their preferred marketing preferences.

Independent gyms and fitness clubs will have several advantages in this process, advantages we are eager to make sure they capitalise on. Not only are they often more agile and adaptable than their chain counterparts, there is also a unique social advantage when appealing to Gen Z and millennials. On a cultural level, many members of these generations put great value on ‘local’ and ‘independent’ business. It was a movement that saw a great resurgence before Covid-19 and has only been compounded in the last few years.

So now we have covered the why, in our next article we will begin to look at the ‘how’ of how independent gyms and fitness clubs can best target and increase their appeal to the younger generations. 

If you are in the fitness industry, whether a gym owner or management and our article has got you looking for new ways to improve and future-proof your gym or fitness club, perhaps you are still in the right place.

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Part One: Understanding the Next Generation and How to Appeal to Them

Part One: Understanding the Next Generation and How to Appeal to Them

Let’s take a look at a topic of perennial importance to independent gyms and the fitness industry. That topic is, of course, generational appeal. Specifically through this series of articles we will be deep-diving into different ‘target’ generations, looking at how to appeal to each in various ways, including marketing, social media, branding, and gym equipment.

While all of the generations the fitness industry currently wants to appeal to (and not just the ‘younger generations’) feel close to one another, their differences could not be more pronounced. 

This is an important topic to revisit, especially in our current cultural, media, and technology landscape. The 18-year-old gym members of today are much more distinct from the 18-year-old gym members of even five years ago, let alone ten or twenty. It is our job in the fitness industry to understand how demographic expectations shift. And with each generation more and more defined by the technology that was available to them in their childhood, these expectations are shifting in unusual ways.

The 18-year-old gym-member of twelve years ago most likely didn’t have a smartphone in school. The 18-year-old gym-member now has never known a world without one. 

So our articles are going to look at both sides of this divide, looking at what can be done to appeal to both the current ‘younger’ generation, 18-28, and the generation above. Together these two generations represent a sizable portion of the current gym-going population, some studies estimate they represent as much as 80%. As such, it is a market that few independent gym owners can’t afford to ignore. 

Generational Expectations from Independent Gyms

Across these articles, we will be addressing some of the fundamental questions independent gym owners should be asking themselves. 

  • How do their expectations contrast compared to the generations that came before them?


  • What marketing is most effective/most resonates with these generations? How does it differ between Millenials and ‘Gen Z’


  • What digital technology do they expect an independent gym to have? What aspects of membership management software are considered normal/taken for granted
  • What physical technology do they expect an independent gym to have? What will be considered a deal breaker?


  • How best to make the younger generations feel safe and welcomed. Including the use of access controls.


  • How to create branding, marketing and design that will appeal to specific generations without isolating others.

hese expectations will be some of the first topics we will cover, using them as a basis to build out and cover the different areas where we believe independent gyms can make changes, whether large or small, that will help them attract more members through their doors.

With over twenty-five years of experience in the fitness industry, we have helped countless independent gyms adapt to the ebb and flow of generational and market change. We intend this series of articles to condense our experience and apply it in a way that helps independent gym owners appeal to younger potential members in areas where budget chains might sometimes have the advantage.

Not only have we seen a completely new generation of Gym Members appear in the time we have been helping independent gyms level up their operations, but we have also witnessed the technology that they use to transform the fitness industry.


So, keep an eye out for our upcoming generational series where we aim to support and give advice to independent gyms like you, to help you target your gym effectively to all generations.

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Get your club in shape.

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Simply select your preferred timeslot and we’ll be in touch to have a chat about your health club, the goals you want to achieve, and how our system can help you.

Get your club in shape.

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Best Gym Accounting Software For Your Fitness Business

Best Gym Accounting Software For Your Fitness Business

For many, accounting might be the epitome of an unpleasant task with a pleasant outcome. A necessary evil and a pillar of every business and the economy at large. While this may vary from sector to sector, from our twenty five years of experience in the fitness industry, we feel fairly secure in saying that it is not a favoured pastime for many independent gym and fitness club owners. 

But in this era of profound and readily available automation, accounting needn’t be the bother it used to be. Endless ledgers and lengthy manual reconciliations have been banished to the annals of history. And in its place? Software. 

And not even the cumbersome, inefficient software of the 1990s and early 2000s. The last decade has seen a revolution in lightweight, impactful software across the fitness industry. One that has allowed independent gym owners to get access to many of the tools previously too prohibitively expensive or specialised.

So today we will be taking a fresh, 2020s look at Gym accounting software, with specific focus on how this relates to independent gym and fitness owners, whether they own just one fitness facility or multiple. We will be answering some of the questions frequently asked about gym accounting software by gym owners. Questions that we have heard firsthand in our partnerships with gym owners up and down the country.

What is gym accounting software?

First let us start off by defining the key piece of terminology we are going to be using in this article. What do we mean when we say ‘Gym accounting software’. 

While any accounting software can be utilised by independent or franchise gym or fitness club owners and management, we are making reference to software either specifically designed for or heavily compatible with the accountancy management of a fitness facility or business.

While we will often make reference to gyms and fitness clubs, this can also include swimming pools, studio spaces, personal trainers, tennis clubs, sporting facilities and much more.  

It is software created and designed to help manage the finances of a fitness business, taking into account the intricacies and oddities of the sector and the bespoke needs of fitness business owners as users.

As with other types of accounting software, it is designed to heavily automate otherwise tedious and laborious processes such as generating invoices, assisting and ordering payroll, aiding with membership billing and direct debits, performing reconciliations, secondary spend processes and much more.

When combined, the best gym accounting software will be able to save fitness business owners not only a significant amount of time, but also save money, as well as freeing up management and staff capacity. 

The amount of hours per week that can be salvaged from manual processes by adopting accounting software for the average independent gym or fitness club is staggering, and as we all know, those hours can be put to good use elsewhere!

How do we recommend approaching the search for gym accounting software?

As with any important endeavour, failing to plan is equivalent to planning to fail. While accounting software for gyms and fitness clubs will help save a lot of time in the long run, that doesn’t mean the selection process should be time-light. Quite the opposite in fact.

An old adage says that if 80% of the work is done upfront, that means that only 20% need be done later. 

While it is possible to pick and choose accounting software, it will save a lot of hassle for a gym or fitness club if they get it right the first time.

Picking apart the finances and operational side of a gym or fitness business from a piece of accounting software can be a pain. As we will cover, because accounting software is so useful to so many parts of a gym or fitness club, even if it has only been in place a few months, the untangling will be noticeable. 

It is tempting to look around at some of the best accounting software out there, pick one and see how it goes. But to this mindset, we urge caution.

There are many options available and many features, and, of course, not every option will contain every feature.

As such, we believe it is prudent to learn of and understand each of the main features of accounting software and how they apply to a gym or fitness operation.  

Of course, bookkeeping and accountancy at a gym or fitness club cannot be done by accounting software alone. We know this will be apparent to 90% of the people reading but it is important to state that accounting software does not replace an accountant. An accountant or accountancy firm is still important (if not invaluable).

Obviously gym owners can attempt to go it alone, some have even made it work. But it takes a certain type of mind, a significant amount of time and a fantastic amount of motivation while also running a fitness business.

Mastery of spreadsheets, accountancy lingo and an ability to be confident in research. Alternatively, a prior career as an accountant would probably help. When all is said and done, we are confident that for 95% of gym owners, the most efficient combination will be powerful accounting software to help support and assist a qualified accountant. 

The best features to prioritise when looking for in Gym Accounting Software for independent gyms and fitness clubs.

Developing a point we introduced in the introduction, we know that over the last decade the fitness industry, one that has always been renowned for being fast-paced and dynamic, has continued to speed up in the face of the smartphone and app revolution.

Long gone are the days where being an independent gym owner just meant owning twenty pieces of equipment in a warehouse, taking cash and running everything out of a ring-binder. Making sure every class runs on time and every member is paid up for the month is no longer enough. 

With a more complicated and sophisticated fitness industry come new challenges and new solutions. This can perhaps be most keenly felt with finances and payments. Gym members today, especially those under 40, expect their gyms to be able to accept a wide variety of payments at any time and in any place.

And ultimately that is what these features will be looking at, what is required to make life easier for both gym owner and gym member alike. What will appeal to both while enabling the smooth flow of capital from the latter to the former. 

How can we start to tame and then utilise the staggering amount of data generated by even a relatively small gym operation.

Luckily the right accounting software can help turn these headaches into a source of powerful data driven insight. 


Application-Based and Online Payments

As we implied above, a good portion of this article will focus on how accounting software can help a gym or fitness club meet the expectations of the digital generations.

The budget fitness chains have embraced seamless app and online payments, positioning themselves in such a way that flexible payment systems are now expected and the norm.

Unlike some of the business practices that they have attempted to perpetrate, this one is not part of the ‘race to the bottom’. In fact, when implemented correctly, these flexible payment systems and online/application-based payments can help transform how the membership of a gym interacts with their fitness facility.

Therefore, it is only natural that our first recommended feature is gym accounting software that allows an independent gym or fitness business to access the benefits of these seamless online payments and app integrations features.

The best gym accounting software will allow an independent gym or fitness business to fully integrate their financial operations with their online presence.

It is a key rule in business that the less barriers there are to a transaction, the more likely it is to occur and the more profitable the business can become. Gating away gym membership payments, class payments and secondary spend options behind archaic payment methods is not a good way to operate an independent gym or fitness business in the 2020s.

It is important to remember who the target audience is. The majority of the gym-going population is below 45. This means we are only a year away from that population being born in 1980 at the latest.

This, in turn means that the majority of people that most gyms and fitness clubs are targeting to be their members have a significant amount of technological knowledge and have integrated it into their daily lives.

With that integration comes a certain expectation of their gyms and the online payment system that the gym uses. 

Conversely, and happily, this is also a system that benefits every independent gym or fitness business that adopts it.

As any independent gym owner knows, confidence that payments will arrive in a timely manner is the backbone of any operation, whether it is new and fledgling or old and venerable.

With gym accounting software that is setup to process monthly direct debits and online payments, gym owners can have a significant amount of the monthly stress taken out of their business-as-usual operations.

Suddenly reconciliations, missing payments and manual searching will be a thing of the past, all while the membership enjoys a streamline and accessible customer experience. 

Financial Reporting

Like any industry, the benefits of having detailed financial reports cannot be overstated.

They allow independent gym and fitness business owners to act and make decisions with confidence.

Of course, in the past the trade-off was having to invest a significant amount of time, energy and expense in ensuring that these reports were created, were correct and were on time.

However, with the rise of powerful gym accounting software, these concerns should no longer be so dominant. Now, with the best gym accounting software it is possible to generate financial reports that are as complete as they are comprehensive at the click of a few buttons and with the setting of a few parameters.

As a company that deals in membership management and BI software, we know the power of data-driven decision making. With the right software, gym owners no longer need to operate in the dark. With the source of cash flow, outgoing and secondary spend all at their fingertips, gym owners can start making confident and informed decisions that will shape their fitness business.

With these variables being consistently monitored, nasty surprises and setbacks are unlikely to be an issue. 

Furthermore, gym accounting software allows fitness business owners to build a versatile and easily interrogated archive of their financial data. No longer does that archive need to exist within an account when gym accounting software allows gym owners and management to craft their own monthly and weekly snapshots. 

The Automation of Billing and Invoicing

As we said in the introduction, one of the key features that define the best gym accounting software from the rest is just how much time they can unlock for a gym owner.

Nowhere is this more apparent than with the automation of bills and invoices.

The ability to generate custom invoices on the fly is invaluable to gym owners at the centre of a complex and dynamic fitness business. By taking out significant chunks of the invoicing and billing process, this will allow trusted individuals within the gym to dedicate their time to other ventures, developing the business or receiving feedback from those on the gym floor. 

Gym management and staff are often faced with a bewildering array of payment options. Monthly membership, quarterly membership, yearly membership, one-off class payments, monthly class payments, bundle-class payments, secondary spend, lockers and showers, sauna, car parking, refreshments.

The list can be endless and each bill may require a specific or bespoke template, even if there is only a minor variation, cataloguing and then training someone to understand this can take valuable time and resources better spent elsewhere.

With gym accounting software, this process becomes automated and reduced to a few button clicks, easier for staff to be trained in and for management to train. 

Gym accounting software can help management reduce both billing cycles and business-as-usual (BAU) billing down from a time intensive activity to one that is routine, professional and automated. 


Similarly, once billing and payments have been unified into a single digital environment via gym accounting software, reconciliation can become that much easier.

It is important for every business, including fitness business owners to stay transparent. With multiple revenue streams and cash-flow, this has been known to be a problem, especially for new gyms.

Which is why gym accounting software that allows gym owners to tame their various sources of income and reconcile them into one versatile and intelligent working space is vital. Gym accounting software allows staff to isolate individual areas of revenue or expense, as well as identify potential issues within certain membership categories or areas of the gym.

Automated Tax Calculation & Payment

And once all of the above features have been implemented, that allows gym accounting software to make tax compliance a much easier and stress free process than it is without it.

Often viewed as an unpleasant task when not automated, requiring a brief period of intense manual reconciliation and much cursing, gym accounting software can help turn that process into a mostly automated, confident and reassuring process.

With the aforementioned archive of financial data prepared, cash flow and revenue streams properly parsed and sorted and billing in good shape, a lot of the associated stress is alleviated before April even rolls around. 

As well as that, the potential for errors is significantly reduced. And if any errors do occur, the accounting software will be able to help identify the error and determine how widespread it is in much quicker order than the comparable manual process. 

Confidence and Security

And to finish off our feature list, a feature that cannot be taken for granted.


Financial data is highly sensitive and important to the day-to-day runnings of a fitness business. Equally, if it is compromised it represents a significant source of potential liability.

Therefore our last feature is a distinct feature of accounting software and what it can offer to gym and fitness business owners. 

It is a rare type of product that allows not only greater efficiency across the gym or fitness club, but also greater security and compliance. 

When a new gym or fitness club undertakes the task of handling financial data manually and without prior consultation, there is always the risk that certain procedures will fall into place that seemed intuitive at the time.

But unfortunately what seems intuitive to gym staff and management may not always be compliant. That is why it is important to note that when a gym engages with and utilises gym accounting software, they aren’t just receiving the software but the expertise and assurance of the company that made it.

While that doesn’t mean all software will be of impeccable compliance and standing, it does mean that with the right research gyms and fitness business owners will be able to purchase software that will help guide and ensure the compliance, security and safety of their business for years to come. 

Our Closing Thoughts...

And leading on neatly from the importance of integration between gym membership management software and gym accounting software, if this article has helped to convince you of the importance of either; Ashbourne might just be the partner in the fitness industry that you have been looking for.

Here at Ashbourne we have spent the last twenty five years helping independent gyms and fitness business owners in raising their operations to the next level. Whether it is with our bespoke gym membership management software, fully supported by a trained team of specialists or our powerful data-driven insights generated by our BI dashboards and reporting suite.

We have helped hundreds of independent gym owners to navigate the ever-dynamic and challenging fitness industry. We are constantly improving our craft and helping others do the same, so if this article has convinced you that your powerful software solution will elevate your operation, book a demo with us today here!

Also check out our quick tips blog posts with some quick answers on your most frequently asked questions on accounting software!

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Get your club in shape.

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Quick Tips: How Necessary Is The Ability To Integrate Gym Membership Management Software and Accounting Software?

Quick Tips: How Necessary Is The Ability To Integrate Gym Membership Management Software and Accounting Software?

While not strictly necessary, the amount of time and stress that can be saved by gym accounting software that either also doubles as gym membership management software or is able to integrate with it is incalculable and invaluable.

Integration between gym management software and accounting software is vital when it comes to reducing errors, streamlining processes, training staff and managing Business-As-Usual operations. 

Without this integration, there may be significant barriers to several functions and features we have covered above, such as painless data sharing and transfer, the management of membership fees, the administration of billing and payroll as well as app integration. ,

As such, we heavily recommend that independent gym or fitness business owners look into gym accounting software that is either fully compatible with, or also serves as gym membership management software.

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the goals you want to achieve, and how our system can help you.

Get your club in shape.

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Get your club in shape.

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Quick Tips: How Useful Is Accounting Software With Assisting Independent Gym Owners With Recurring Membership Payments?

Quick Tips: How Useful Is Accounting Software With Assisting Independent Gym Owners With Recurring Membership Payments?

Another common question and the answer is simple.

Gym accounting software is very useful for recurring payments, especially when combined with gym membership management software.

With the rise of direct debit payments, gym membership management software and gym accounting software can help streamline and assist recurring payment systems so that only a minimum amount of monthly input is required. 

In addition, gym accounting software is invaluable at keeping track of overdue payments, changing membership payments across tiers or in broad swathes and keeping track of retention/attrition rates.

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Get your club in shape.

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