In this free webinar, gym owner and manager, Grant Harrison will show you the steps you need to take in order to successfully relaunch your club after lockdown ends.

Using a tried and tested strategy employed by his own club, Prime Fitness Redditch, Grant and the team will walk you through their extensive checklist of things you need to be doing in order to successfully reopen your club after the COVID-19 lockdown. If your gym has been affected by the Coronavirus lockdowns, then you’ll learn how to:

  • Keep up your lead generation until you actually reopen, to keep attracting new members.
  • Conquer your relaunch marketing and let your network aware that you’re reopening.
  • Make sure your gym is prepared for social distancing so that your members feel comfortable enough to return sooner.
  • How to demonstrate all of this to your members through marketing and be seen as the club that cares.

Watch The Full Webinar Here: How To Relaunch Your Club After Lockdown


Get Your Complete List of Free Resources

In the webinar, we want to give you as many resources as possible to get through lockdown and successfully relaunch your club once the COVID-19 situation has passed.

Let’s not soften the blow, nothing about your club’s reopening will be simple. There will be challenges with getting your members back through the doors, or possibly even the possibility of a second lockdown.

However, we’re here to give you as much advice as possible to help your fitness business thrive and grow by taking action now and getting ready for the clubs and gyms reopening across the UK in July.


  1. Download the webinar slides here.
  2. Join the Gym Owner’s Forum here.
  3. Download your copy of Grant’s free e-book “100 Ways To Attract More Members To Your Club” here.
  4. Download the “Reopening Your Gym After Lockdown Checklist”.
  5. Use our “Member Feedback Survey Template”.


Get In Touch With Grant At Ashbourne

All of the techniques and systems we’ve mentioned in this webinar are possible to do by yourself.

However, they will take a lot of time, investment and manpower to manage and pull off.

The strength in Ashbourne Membership Management is that we have the infrastructure and help in place to get you started from today. We have a team to communicate with your members on your behalf, and our own proprietary software that can handle everything else: From controlling access to your club, to instantly creating promotions to share with your members.

Ashbourne Membership Management is here to help you every step of the way, so don’t hesitate to set up a chat if you want to make your club a success before it’s time to relaunch.

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