How To Use Prospect Management To Grow Your Fitness Business

List of numbers and names

Why Is Prospect Management So Important?

Back in the 1950’s, the average customer needed to come into contact with your brand or product 5 times before they were likely to buy. These kind of interactions with your customer are known as “hits”.

These days, it’s as high as 12 hits before a customer will consider purchasing what you have to offer.

thinking customer on laptop

With so many options available to the modern consumer, customers are becoming harder and harder to sell to, and when you’re in the fitness business, with so many options for how members can improve their health and lifestyle, customers need even more convincing.

You can see now why it’s more important than ever to stay in a prospect’s field of view. You need to be in their attention more than ever.

Prospect management allows you to keep a record of anyone who’s ever showed an interest in your business and have the ability to get in touch with them when you need, to keep offering them the small hits, which will eventually cause them to convert to a paying member.

If you don’t keep an open channel of communication with your prospects, then you simply leave it up to random chance that they will stumble upon you again and eventually form an interest in your health club or gym.

Prospect management is all about removing that randomness from the equation.

It’s about making sure that you can continue to get in touch with potentially interested prospects and turn them into paying members.


How Does Prospect Management Work?

Prospect management is the method that you can go about sorting and storing individuals who have showed an interest in your business. There are 3 key things that any prospect management system needs to achieve if it’s going to help you grow your fitness business:


1. You need to have a way to reliably contact your prospect

2. You need to be able to categorise prospects based on levels of interest

3. You need to be able to discover the perfect proposition for your prospect


In order to achieve this, you’re going to need a database that allows you to store, sort and contact prospects using their contact information. To start, you’ll some basic details about your prospect, which would include their name, email address and a mobile number if possible.

email on mobileAs long as you have this information, you’ll then be able to regularly send marketing emails or SMS messages to update prospects with news, tips, hints and promotions for your gym.

And then finally, your prospect management system should allow you to keep track of how prospects are reacting to your communications, so you can the categorise them based on their interests and therefore, better sell to them.


How A Prospect Management System WILL Grow Your Fitness Business

Any good prospect management system will give you information and details for things such as open rates and click rates from your communications. That way you can keep track on not only what communications you’re sending to your prospects, but how interested they are in what you’re sending.

For example, imagine you send out an email for a free trial and only 10% of your prospects open it and 1% click on links within the email to sign up.

Instead of taking random guesses on what promotions are working, you have actual data on how many of your prospects are interested in this kind of promotion. And although that particular promotion wasn’t especially popular, you don’t have to scrap it completely. You can take those 10% who were interested and categorise them as “customers interested in free trials”.

In future, you now know to send this group free trial promotions, whilst keeping the rest of the prospects away from emails that don’t interest them and they will simply ignore.

That’s the power of a prospect management system and how it works. From one database, you can build a list of prospects and try out different communications on them, and change your approach based on how your customers react in real time.

This is the heart of why a prospect management system is so powerful for growing your fitness business.


Can I Use Social Media For Prospect Management?

social media on mobile

This is a very interesting grey area and we should probably cover it quickly here. In short, yes, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good form of prospect management.

While social media is a great way for contacting your members and even storing a list of contacts if they follow your page, it has some big downfalls, especially when you view it through our 3 rules of what a prospect management system needs to be able to do.


Rule 1: You need to have a way to reliably contact your prospect.

The Problem: Social media is a great way to tell the world what’s on your mind, but that’s exactly the problem, you can tell the world, not individuals. It’s a scatter gun approach and because of that, you can never be sure if prospects are reliably seeing what you’re posting, because you’re always at the mercy of the social media platform’s algorithm not showing you up on their feed.


Rule 2: You need to be able to categorise prospects based on level of interest.

The Problem: No social media platform has this functionality. Your prospects are either followers or not, there’s no way to categorise them in any way beyond this.


Rule 3: You need to discover the perfect proposition for your prospect.

The Problem: You can always try different promos and propositions, but they will always be en masse to everyone, since you have no way of categorising and contacting your prospects in isolated groups. And of course, you are also unable to see who has actually seen your posts, so you can never be sure if a promo simply isn’t landing with your prospects, or if they haven’t seen it at all


While social media is often talked about as the future of marketing, emails still lead the race in terms of customer engagement, so they’re your best bet to securing prospects and potential members.

But of course, you should never turn away the chance to get in touch with a prospect, so having a strong social media is a good thing for your business and prospect management as a whole, since you can always move potential customers off your social media feeds to your true prospect management system. We’ve even got 11 great ways to drastically improve and grow your fitness business social media, which you can download here.


How Can I Get A Prospect Management Service For My Fitness Business?

Cheerful males are talking to each other in modern gym-1At Ashbourne, we’ve custom built and designed our own Lead Prospect Management modules that have been created with one purpose in mind: To help clubs sign-up more new members.

As we’ve seen throughout this article, the power of an effective prospect management system cannot be underestimated. We understand the core power of what your prospect management system could offer your fitness business and our own system is designed to harness that potential.

Our Lead Management module gives you the platform you need to ensure that you’re continually able to generate new leads. We also build customised landing pages that allow you to engage and capture your potential customers’ information, so we can help grow your prospect list quickly and give you prospects to convert right away.

If you’re interested in growing your fitness business and reaching more customers with powerful prospect management tools, then contact one of our team and they’ll be happy to walk you through all of our prospect management services, to help you grow your health club membership today!

The Importance Of Email Marketing For Your Club

Grow Your Club With Email Marketing

Email should be one of the key pillars in any club’s marketing strategy. It’s vital in driving new member sign-ups, maximising the value of your current members and increasing retention.

Despite it’s undeniable importance, there are a lot of clubs out there who aren’t using the channel effectively (or at all) to help maximise their revenue and profitability.   Now, there’s an old saying – ‘it’s not what you do but the way that you do it’ – and it’s never been more applicable than when it comes to the use of email for clubs like yours.

We work with a lot of gym & clubs here at Ashbourne who are using email and they’re having great success. It’s making a real difference to their new member sign-ups and, ultimately, their bottom line. And it can do the same for any club if it’s implemented in the right way!

The clubs who are making it work have refined their tactics and are using email in a smarter way and it’s something that’s working really, really well.

We’ve created this blog to share a couple of strategies that you can use to grow the conversion rates of your prospects into new sign-ups and to help increase member retention.



Firstly, we’ll begin by addressing GDPR.

GDPR came into affect last year as a regulation in EU law to help help protect the data and privacy of European citizens. It certainly had an effect on the amount of email marketing which clubs were carrying out.

Now, we won’t go into the specific rules and regulations on GDPR because there’s enough good information online for you already, but the long and short of it is that…

1| You need your privacy policy to be updated and water tight.

2| If you’re using cookies on your site (anything to do with analytics or remarketing) you need a pop up to ask for your visitors’ consent.

3| You need to be able to prove that anyone you’re emailing has opted in to receive marketing communications (this is easily done by adding privacy statements to forms on your website and when you ask for people’s details at your club stating that the person is happy for you to send marketing emails to them – this is standard protocol now for all companies, not just in our industry).

If you’re doing these things, you’ll be absolutely fine and won’t have any issues with emailing people.


Using Email Marketing To Convert Prospects Into Paying Members

A lead comes into your club and you or a member of your team follows it up with a phone call or an email. Some of these leads will request information about prices & facilities etc., some will come and visit you and some of them will just have questions they want answered. Eventually, some of these leads become members which, of course, is fantastic!

The reality is though, like in any business, a large proportion of these prospects don’t become members. Not so fantastic.

But, what’s most baffling, is that there’s lack of activity that a lot of gyms and clubs have in place to convert more of their leads into customers in the longer term.

You see, what you have to understand is that just because someone is ready to enquire or visit for a trial, it doesn’t mean that they’re ready to sign up and become a paying a member. A significant percentage of people aren’t ready to commit to that and haven’t reached that stage.

The industry in which we operate is one with well-thought out and researched customer journeys and your marketing needs to adapt to that reality. On top of that, the industry is highly competitive and the need to stand out and build better relationships with your prospects is key.


So, how do you convert more prospects into members?


Some prospects go dark. That’s life. You or your sales team marks a prospect as ‘dead’. But, if you think that there’s no benefit in communicating with that person from that point on, you’re wrong. Really wrong.

Deciding to join a new club or change from your current club is something people give a lot of thought to. These decisions are well thought-out and well researched. Your prospect has almost certainly looked at least a couple of other clubs and possibly visited them too.

The gyms and clubs that adopt a longer-term strategy to the conversion of their prospects into members can win big. The most effective way to do this: email!

Emailing prospects in the weeks and months after they initially become an enquiry will increase your conversion rates and will help increase new member sign-ups. That’s a fact.

Continuing to send personal and valuable content will help build relationships with these people and drive ongoing engagement with your club. Whether it’s current promotions, client testimonials which build trust, details of your facilities, it doesn’t matter. As long as the content is relevant, personal and valuable, it will help your conversion rates.

It will also help you to stand out from your competition as a club which that puts its members first and it will bring in sales to your club which would have otherwise been lost. What’s more is that it will barely cost your business a penny and will deliver a colossal ROI.


Increase Retention & Member Lifetime Value

There are three core ways to grow any gym or club….

…increase the number of members you have, increase retention or increase the average lifetime value of your members.

It’s the second and third ways which we’re going to look at now. You see, keeping members and getting them to spend more is generally much easier and cost-effective than signing up new members. Email serves as a beautifully simple and inexpensive way to frequently engage with your current members, build stronger relationships with them and ensure that they feel valued and more than just another customer who pays you money every month.

What you include in these emails is of course up to you but they may just be updates on events at your club, information about new facilities & classes or free passes for their friends and family (which is a great way to generate additional enquiries). It may even include an email once in a while which lets you know how much you value them or which asks for feedback on ways to improve your services. Emailing your current members is also a great way to promote offers and bring additional revenue into your business.

Sending regular emails to your members requires very little investment both in terms of time and financially and is guaranteed increase retention. If you aren’t doing it at the moment, you need to start. It’s an absolute no-brainer!

So there you have it. Two simple but highly effective ways to better utilise email for your club which will help increase your conversion rates and improve retention.


If you’d like to know more about email marketing and good email marketing platforms, simply get in touch with us today and a member of our team will be happy to help.

Using Facebook Advertising To Grow Your Membership Numbers

Facebook Advertising comes with a huge amount of benefits when it comes to creating awareness of your club locally and, ultimately, increasing your membership numbers.

If you’re not currently using Facebook Advertising to promote your club, you’re missing out on a big opportunity. An opportunity to stand out from your competition and consistently generate new enquiries and sign-ups.

We live in a world where social media platforms are becoming ever more powerful and prominent. In the UK, we spend almost 25% of our mobile internet usage time using Facebook. The sheer volume of people using Facebook each and every day means that it’s a complete no-brainer to use the platform as part of your overall marketing strategy. It’s where your prospects are ‘hanging out’ and, therefore, it’s most definitely where you should be advertising.

And it’s not just the vast number of users that makes the social media platform an essential channel to include as part of your strategy to attract new members. What makes Facebook Advertising so effective is the vast range of targeting options available to businesses. These targeting options mean that you can be extremely focused and precise with what audiences you target with your ads and what messages you use to engage with them. It’s these targeting options which put Facebook Advertising up there as one of the most advanced and powerful platforms for advertising your gym or club.

Want to target people based on their age, their location, their gender, the sports they’re interested in or whether they like going to the gym and keeping fit? No problem. Facebook’s hyper-detailed targeting options guarantee that your ads will only show to the right people. It’s the combination of the sheer number of users combined with an incredible ability to refine who you’re targeting that makes Facebook Advertising essential for any club looking to maximise new member sign-ups and to increase the ROI on their marketing investments.


Use Facebook generally to promote your club or use is more tactically to promote specific offers, deals and unique selling points. For example, you can:


Showcase & generate awareness of your gym or club.

Facebook Ads are a great way to promote your club and your facilities and memberships in general. Carousel and Video ads are an effective ad format to show off your entire club in a way that will be extremely cost-efficient and which potential members will really engage with. Never underestimate the power of creating awareness using platforms like Facebook. If someone doesn’t know that you even exist, how on earth are they ever going to sign up to your club?


Promote your latest offers.

Promoting offers on Facebook is a proven way to generate lots and lots of enquiries and new member sign-ups for your club. Whether it’s simply a discount on membership, a free first month or a free pass, the right offer promoted in the right way is a sure fire way to bring in new members.


Facebook Carousel Ads (above) are a really engaging ad format which allow
you use a range of engaging images and messages as part of the same advert.


Shout about your club’s real selling-points.

Just revamped your gym or started a brand new range of classes? Perhaps you’re less expensive than your competitors?  These are the selling points that you need to shout about and which often differentiate you from your competition. Tell potential members about these things using Facebook Advertising and, used in the right way, it’s guaranteed to help bring new enquiries into your business.


If you’re not using Facebook Advertising at the moment and what some advice on where to start (or if you’re using the channel but not quite getting the results that you’re after) simply get in touch with us here at Ashbourne and a member of our team will be happy to help. You can call us now on 01564 741 837 or, alternatively, simply click here to drop us a message.

Get more members through remarketing

Remarketing for gyms & clubs.

The competition for new members has never been more fierce. Ensuring that you have a comprehensive and multi-channel marketing strategy in place in order to generate enquiries and stand out from other clubs has never been more important.

There are of course lots of ways to market your club, however, if you’re not using remarketing as part of your marketing efforts, you’re missing a big trick.

Remarketing is a technique which allows you to show adverts to people who have already visited your website but who didn’t convert into an enquiry or become a new member (companies like Amazon and ASOS, for example, use remarketing really effectively and you’ll have no doubt seen this happen many times before – you look at a product on their site and you’ll see ads for that product and other similar products across other sites online once you leave their site. This isn’t by chance, this is remarketing in action). Implemented in the right way, remarketing is a very effective method of generating more enquiries and bringing new members into your club. New members who may well have ended up joining a different club.

More than 95% of users who visit your website leave without taking any form of action. They don’t get in touch with you, sign up or leave their contact details. More often than not, once they leave your site, they don’t come back – you won’t ever see them again.

But, there’s good news and this is where remarketing comes in. You see, remarketing allows you to communicate with the people who have been to your website in the days, weeks and even months after they visited your website as they come closer to making a decision about signing up to a new club.

And there’s even more good news…

…most clubs don’t implement remarketing activity as part of their strategy which means – for those clubs that do choose to use the technique – it serves as an extremely effective way to stand out from your competition and build stronger relationships with people who are actively looking for a brand new gym or club to join.


The facts.

Most people who visit your website each day don’t make an enquiry of any kind. They might be researching what clubs exist in the area, they might not be able to find the information they’re after or they might just get distracted because someone’s just rung their door bell. Ultimately though, regardless of the reason, they leave your website without taking action you want them to take.

In 2019, in this industry, an average customer journey doesn’t exist. The journeys new members take when looking for a new club are non-linear, unique to each individual and can be very long. However long or short that journey is though, it takes a period of time – a period of time in which you can communicate and re-engage with a potential member at various different stages and places throughout that journey.

Because remarketing only targets users who have previously been to your website, it means that there’s an increased likelihood of them being in-market for a new club to join.


Why does it work?

Remarketing works for a number of fundamental reasons…

1. It increases brand awareness by delivering continuous exposure of your brand, facilities and offers during a member’s buying journey. These people have already been to your website which means there’s a good chance that they’re interested in what you have to offer

2. It increases return visits to your website. The vast majority of people who visit your site for the first time don’t convert into enquiries or sign ups. When a user visits your site for a second, third, fourth time etc., they’re typically much closer to making the decision to join a new club. Therefore, on average, they are more engaged and are more likely to become members than someone who is a first-time visitor to your site. The long and short of it; if you want to generate more enquiries and members, you need to increase the number of return visits to your site and remarketing was designed for this very reason.

3. It’ll help you to improve the ROI on your marketing investment. Persistence definitely pays off in this industry. There’s so much choice and competition for your target audiences that it’s never been more critical to do whatever you can to stand out. To add to that, your prospects’ attention is so easily diverted by everything else that’s going on in their lives. As club owners, you have to accept that. In order to maximise ROI on your marketing investment, you need to continuously re-engage with potential members throughout their consideration process to increase new member sign ups and revenue.


There are a range of ways and online channels which you can use to run remarketing campaigns for you club, from Display Remarketing through the Google Display Network to Facebook and Paid Search. If you want to know more about remarketing and how best to use it to grow your member numbers, don’t hesitate to get in touch – a member of our team will be happy to help.


So, how does remarketing actually work?


explanation of remarketing


If you would like to know more about using remarketing as part of your club’s overall marketing efforts, don’t hesitate to get in touch, we’d love to help. You can contact us by clicking here.

Implementing An Effective Referral Campaign

The best source of new leads for your club is your existing members. Getting your current members to sell your facility to their friend’s means that the hard work of selling is done for you and best of all, it’s cheap!!

Referral programmes get you new members AND your current members now have training partners and a sense of ownership, therefore increasing retention. Of course, members are more likely to make a referral if there is something in it for them.


How to Implement an Effective Referral Campaign:

  • Purchase a good-looking prize and display it in your reception with balloons and banners to catch people’s attention.
  • Put up signs around the club explaining the rules and that the member who refers the most new members this month will win this incredible prize.
  • Display a list of the members who have referred people to your club, complete with a running total. You will find that if two of your members have referred the same number they will both try to get more new members in order to win the prize.
  • Present the winning member with their prize on the last day of the month – take a photo and put this on display. Include a list of the other members who referred friends and thank everyone for their efforts. Keep this picture displayed for the whole year and then add each new month’s winning picture.
  • Start the whole process again on the 1st of the following month with a different prize of similar value.


How to Ensure Your Referral Campaign is Effective:

  • Start your campaign on the 1st of EVERY month… if you’re slack at starting, your members will not have the confidence to recommend their friends.
  • Always present the prize on the final day of the month and display the winner’s picture around the club. At the bottom write that next month it could be you walking away with the prize.
  • Keep a running total of who is in the lead – this keeps everybody motivated.
  • Start with a few dummy names on the list to kick-start the campaign… no one likes to be the first.
  • Make the prize tangible rather than free personal training sessions.
  • Keep the displays looking fresh – if the balloons go down, GET MORE!
  • Make the winner the person who refers the most rather than having a prize draw – this rewards hard work.
  • To keep the campaign strong in November and December offer an even greater prize such as a trip to Paris.


Generating referrals is one of the most effective ways of generating new members for your club. If you’d like to get some advice on marketing your club, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can contact us now by clicking here.

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