Injecting cocaine is associated with various risks, such as higher rates of addiction and serious health issues like HIV or cardiac problems. Yes, it is possible to inject cocaine, which...

Because of cocaine’s effects on blood vessels and the heart, severe internal damage can occur. Learn how cocaine can cause internal bleeding and what to do if internal bleeding is...

Learn about the complex relationship between cocaine addiction and dependent personality disorder and find out how one affects the other. Article at a Glance: Cocaine use by those who have...

Cocaine and Viagra, when combined, can cause serious health problems to the user. This “sextacy” combination is hitting party scenes and repercussions can be deadly. The short answer is no. It’s...

Taking cocaine while breastfeeding can have dangerous consequences for infants, including hypertension, tachycardia, seizures or even overdose. Breastfeeding is known to increase an infant’s lifespan, enhance lifelong cognitive function, and...

If you are caught illegally possessing cocaine, you will face legal consequences including arrest, jail time, a life-long criminal record and financial penalties. Possession of cocaine for recreational use is illegal throughout...

Cocaine is a highly addictive substance that affects people in many ways. But, can it cause schizophrenia? No, cocaine does not cause schizophrenia. However, cocaine can mimic some of the symptoms of schizophrenia. Also,...