Let’s take a look at a topic of perennial importance to independent gyms and the fitness industry. That topic is, of course, generational appeal. Specifically through this series of articles we will be deep-diving into different ‘target’ generations, looking at how to appeal to each in various ways, including marketing, social media, branding, and gym equipment.
While all of the generations the fitness industry currently wants to appeal to (and not just the ‘younger generations’) feel close to one another, their differences could not be more pronounced.
This is an important topic to revisit, especially in our current cultural, media, and technology landscape. The 18-year-old gym members of today are much more distinct from the 18-year-old gym members of even five years ago, let alone ten or twenty. It is our job in the fitness industry to understand how demographic expectations shift. And with each generation more and more defined by the technology that was available to them in their childhood, these expectations are shifting in unusual ways.
The 18-year-old gym-member of twelve years ago most likely didn’t have a smartphone in school. The 18-year-old gym-member now has never known a world without one.
So our articles are going to look at both sides of this divide, looking at what can be done to appeal to both the current ‘younger’ generation, 18-28, and the generation above. Together these two generations represent a sizable portion of the current gym-going population, some studies estimate they represent as much as 80%. As such, it is a market that few independent gym owners can’t afford to ignore.
Generational Expectations from Independent Gyms
Across these articles, we will be addressing some of the fundamental questions independent gym owners should be asking themselves.
- How do their expectations contrast compared to the generations that came before them?
- What marketing is most effective/most resonates with these generations? How does it differ between Millenials and ‘Gen Z’
- What digital technology do they expect an independent gym to have? What aspects of membership management software are considered normal/taken for granted
- What physical technology do they expect an independent gym to have? What will be considered a deal breaker?
- How best to make the younger generations feel safe and welcomed. Including the use of access controls.
- How to create branding, marketing and design that will appeal to specific generations without isolating others.
hese expectations will be some of the first topics we will cover, using them as a basis to build out and cover the different areas where we believe independent gyms can make changes, whether large or small, that will help them attract more members through their doors.
With over twenty-five years of experience in the fitness industry, we have helped countless independent gyms adapt to the ebb and flow of generational and market change. We intend this series of articles to condense our experience and apply it in a way that helps independent gym owners appeal to younger potential members in areas where budget chains might sometimes have the advantage.
Not only have we seen a completely new generation of Gym Members appear in the time we have been helping independent gyms level up their operations, but we have also witnessed the technology that they use to transform the fitness industry.
So, keep an eye out for our upcoming generational series where we aim to support and give advice to independent gyms like you, to help you target your gym effectively to all generations.
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