Part Two: Understanding The Costs Of Opening An Independent Gym

Welcome, or welcome back, to the second article in our series focusing on the costs of opening an independent gym or fitness club. As per the last article, we will be using our wealth of experience within the fitness industry to look at everything from hidden costs to where savings can be found during this expensive process.

Last time we took a look at the recurring costs, as well as looking at how some purchases could be either a one-off or recurring cost, depending on the route taken. This time we will be moving focus onto the one-off costs themselves, with a deeper dive into how even these one-off opening costs can be mitigated or diffused. 

Here at Ashbourne, we’ve helped countless gyms and fitness clubs through difficult times and out the otherside. Take a look at our success stories for further proof of the impact we can have upon an independent gym or fitness club.

All that to say that we are keenly aware of the costs that any group or individual will be incurring in this venture. Our belief is to never recommend something just because it is the flashiest or the best marketed. We are committed to finding the value solutions that will put any aspirant gym or club owner on the best footing moving forward. 

One-Time/One-Off Costs

When starting an independent gym or club, the big one-off purchases can feel daunting. Monthly, Quarterly or Annual costs present their own problems but it is the immediacy of the one-time costs that your new gym or club can’t do without that will be daunting.

Many of these costs will become the foundation of your new business, the bedrock that your new independent gym or fitness club is built on. As such, it is important to get it right. 

Not every one of these items is going to be a silver bullet though, there is no guaranteed recipe for overnight success and we won’t pretend otherwise. But by getting the One-time costs right, you will be putting your new gym or club on the right footing. 

And in our experience, this is vital. The momentum from a new gym or club opening is a rare resource, and one that should be harnessed. First impressions matter as they say, and the one-off startup costs are going to be some of the largest factors in our new membership’s first impression of the new establishment. 


Day One - One-Time/One-Off Costs: Breakdown

For the purpose of this breakdown, we will be focusing on the broadstroke purchases that will apply to most gyms and fitness clubs. In a future article we will go into more specialised and specific types of club. 

As we said above, this is about first impressions. When those first early adopter members walk through the doors of your new gym or fitness club, they are going to be greeted with an image. And that image will inform a lot of what happens next.

Initial word of mouth can be a very positive force for a new independent gym or fitness club, irrespective of the location you are opening in. These initial one-off costs are the purchases you will be making to ensure that what your new members are seeing is not only going to satisfy the risk they took in trying a brand new gym or club, but that it is also going to make them spread the good word.

One-Time/One-Off Costs Checklist

*We will do a more detailed breakdown of opening insurances but in the meanwhile see our detailed article on independent gym and fitness club insurances here.
**As covered in the previous article, Gym Equipment was our example of a flexible One-Time/Recurring cost depending on payment structure.
***These can sound daunting, for more on this our demonstration team can help answer questions.

This is just the basic checklist, the full contents for various different gyms and fitness clubs will naturally vary. Which will be our focus in the next article.

So what are they going to see first? Well, there will be the front of the building and then the first sights that greet them at the door. A well-lit lobby or reception area does wonders. Obviously the commercial properties in the area/areas will impose certain limits, as will the amount of money that can be set aside for renovations and redecorating. 

And then, of course, there will be staff. The members of your team that will provide a vital part of the service and atmosphere. This section represents a significant number of the items on our list. Whether it is uniforms, recruitment costs, initial wages, training. In addition there may be certifications that are required.

After that comes the infrastructure they will use. This includes any digital systems, the physical computers, payment systems, operational access controls. 

Then there’s gym equipment. Your members expect treadmills, exercise bikes, running machines, free weights… Some of these can be leased. If you’re buying outright that’s another one-off cost to consider.

What else would you expect to see? Team members. They need to be hired and hiring costs money. And they need to be uniformed and uniforms cost money. Plus they need computer systems, payment systems, insurance, and maybe licences too.

All these things need to be paid for before you welcome in your first members. And can therefore be considered the up-front costs of opening your gym. That means you’ll need funding in place, whether it’s from investors, loans, or your own savings.

Next Time

Unsurprisingly, this brings us to the conclusion of this article. 

The checklist might appear daunting at first but many parts will start to fall into place. Especially with the right partners. While we will be focusing on the different requirements of various gyms and clubs next time, there is plenty that can be done in the meanwhile.

Here at Ashbourne, we are able to help with large swathes of the above checklist, especially when it comes to membership management software, access controls and equipment. We have helped countless new and established independent gyms and fitness clubs create systems that function effortlessly and just as importantly, will last. 

So whether you are thinking of setting up a new gym or club or in the process, we want to hear from you. Our professional and trained demonstration team is ready and able to help any gym owner or aspirational gym owner get their fitness facility up and running in no time! If we have piqued your interest, click here to find out more. 

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Get your club in shape.

Want to discover how? Let us show you.

Simply select your preferred timeslot and we’ll be in touch to have a chat about your health club, the goals you want to achieve, and how our system can help you.

Get your club in shape.

Want to discover how? Let us show you.

Simply select your preferred timeslot and we’ll be in touch to have a chat about your health club, the goals you want to achieve, and how our system can help you.

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