How Can Independent Gyms
Thrive in a New Era?
The fitness landscape is evolving, and independent gyms must keep pace with a generation that lives and breathes technology. Generation Z and Millennials, often called “Generation Digital,” are setting new standards for how they engage with fitness, and they bring with them unique expectations.
To appeal and retain the loyalty of these tech-savvy, health-conscious individuals, independent gyms must understand their preferences and adapt accordingly. In the last two articles in this series we have covered the why, now we are going to move onto the how.
Here’s how independent gyms can shift focus in both subtle and significant ways to future proof their businesses and appeal to this new and distinct demographic.
What will we cover in this article?
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The Digital Divide: Understanding what appeals to
“Gen Z” and Millennials
There’s a stark contrast between Generation Z and older generations, driven by the rapid technological advances of the past few decades. Every generation is distinct from the ones that came before, but the leap from an analogue culture to a digital one has been profound and felt across nearly every business sector.
Younger people have grown up in a world where technology is not just a tool but an extension of their everyday lives. This shift has led to three primary expectations: technological sophistication, integration and efficiency. To put it another way, these digital natives expect services to be readily available, easy to access, and tech-friendly and they expect exactly the same of their gyms and fitness clubs.
On-Demand and On-the-Go: Meeting Expectations
The preference for instant access and streamlined digital experiences is a defining characteristic of this generation. Independent gym owners should not be surprised to learn that if their website or app isn’t easily discoverable or user-friendly, potential members may just move on. Some will call it a poor attention span, but whatever the reason, these generations move on fast.
Generation Z grew up with sleek, efficient digital platforms, and they expect nothing less from the businesses they engage with. An outdated website or the absence of a dedicated app can be a deal-breaker. If an independent gym can stand out with a highly integrated membership management system, intuitive and stylish apps and well-designed websites, they will already be standing out and making an impression in those vital seconds of the first impression.
Fortunately, technology has never been more accessible for gym owners. Automated turnstiles, app-based class bookings, and integrated workout tracking are just a few examples of how gyms can streamline their services. These innovations not only make life easier for members but also allow staff to focus on providing the personalised, community-centred experience that these generations value and seek out.
Beyond the Gym: Integrated Fitness Solutions
Class schedules, facility updates, events, and promotions should be at members’ fingertips—not buried in a hard-to-navigate website. To appeal to “Generation Digital,” gym owners need to extend their services beyond their physical premises. Virtual fitness solutions, mobile apps, and online engagement can help gyms stay relevant in the daily lives of their members, even when they’re not at the facility.
This is where independent gyms can significantly benefit from any service provider that allows them to fully integrate their operations. If there are barriers, or even worse, different accounts and procedures, laying between different parts of a gym’s service, this will be an off-putting experience that will affect retention.
This is a generation that is quick to notice the ‘digital cracks’ in an experience and will remember them when it comes to renewing and recommending an independent gym or fitness club.
A significant percentage of Gen Z and Millennials incorporate virtual fitness into their routines. This highlights an opportunity for independent gyms to expand their influence beyond the four walls of their facility. By providing virtual classes, instructional videos, and health resources, gyms can maintain a presence in their members’ lives no matter where they are.
Embracing the Hybrid Workout Culture
The rise of home workouts has shifted from a perceived threat to a genuine opportunity for independent gyms. In the past, it might have been seen as competition, but today, it is a chance for dynamic independent gyms to make it an extension of their fitness experience. Most gym-goers are not looking to replace the gym; they’re looking to enhance their fitness journey. Independent gyms can capitalise on this by offering virtual training sessions, at-home workout guides, and nutritional advice. By doing so, they position themselves as a comprehensive fitness resource.
Generation Digital has been raised on the subscription model, and they are comfortable paying for ongoing services that add value to their lives. By expanding their digital offerings, independent gyms can build a seamless blend of physical and virtual experiences that cater to these evolving expectations.
The Digital Fitness Advantage: Why It Matters
It’s clear that digital solutions are not just an add-on but a necessity. Digital guidance tools can enhance the effectiveness of home workouts, and virtual classes help reduce member attrition by providing flexibility. Independent gyms that fail to leverage these tools risk losing relevance with younger, tech-savvy members.
These are generations that are used to augmenting every aspect of their life through their smartphones, and an independent gym that can offer virtual classes, class-booking and home workout guidance via their app is going to be offering a retention boosting service to “Generation Digital”.
Active, Motivated, and Discerning: How to Appeal to a Generation that is Used to Choice
The stereotype of a “lazy generation” no longer holds true. A recent study shows that over 80% of regular exercisers now work out at least three times a week, with Gen Z leading the way. This generation is known for its commitment to health, as they engage in fitness activities not only to stay fit but also as part of a broader lifestyle choice. They are smoking less, drinking less, and choosing exercise as their “session” of choice, making them a prime audience for any fitness business.
These trends have deeper implications. Gen Z and Millennials have grown up amid warnings about obesity, smoking, and alcohol consumption. They are well-informed about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, and they actively seek out environments that promote wellness. Independent gyms that can align their services with these values—while also providing a welcoming, social space—will attract a loyal following of young, engaged members.
Our Final Thoughts: Adapting to a New Era of Fitness
Independent gyms have a tremendous opportunity to cater to the fitness-savvy, health-conscious, and digitally connected Generation Digital. By embracing technology, enhancing digital offerings, and building a hybrid model that supports both in-gym and at-home fitness, gyms can create a truly modern fitness experience. Those who adapt to these new standards will not only survive but thrive, becoming essential hubs of health and community for the next generation of fitness enthusiasts.
If you are an independent gym owner or manager who is interested in providing a sleeker, more integrated and efficient service to your members in the hopes of attracting and retaining younger members, look no further.
Here at Ashbourne Membership Management, we pride ourselves on being at the cutting edge and keeping our partner gym’s tech honed and ready for any challenge. Whether it is a bespoke app for your independent gym, advanced membership management systems or sleek website integration, our expertise help any gym appeal to the tech savvy demographics in no time.
Interested to know more? Then click here and then ‘request a demo’. Our professional and highly knowledgeable demonstration team has helped countless gym owners understand how to take their gym to the next level and the next generation.
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